owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
USB(Universal Serial Bus)This system cannot be used to format USB de-Notes for iPod® use (if so equipped):
Connection Port (if so equipped)vices. To format a USB device, use a personaliPod®is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in
computer. the U.S. and other countries.
WARNING Insomejurisdictions,theUSBdeviceforthefront● ImproperlypluggingintheiPod®maycause
Donotconnect,disconnectoroperatetheseats plays only sound without images for regu-a checkmark to be displayed on and off
USBdevicewhiledriving.Doingsocanbelatory reasons, even when the vehicle is parked.(flickering).Always make sure that the
a distraction. If distracted you could loseThis system supports various USB ConnectioniPod®is connected properly.
control of your vehicle and cause an acci-Port devices, USB hard drives and iPod® play-● AniPod®nano(1stGeneration)mayremain
dent or serious injury.ers. SomeUSBdevicesmaynotbesupportedbyin fast forward or rewind mode if it is con-
this system. nectedduringaseekoperation.Inthiscase,
CAUTION ● Partitioned USB devices may not play cor-please manually reset the iPod®.
● Do not force the USB device into therectly.● An iPod® nano (2nd Generation) will con-
USB port. Inserting the USB device● Some characters used in other languagestinue to fast-forward or rewind if it is discon-
tilted or up-side-downintotheportmay(Chinese, Japanese, etc.) may not appearnected during a seek operation.
damage the port. Make sure that theproperly in the display. Using English lan-
USB device is connected correctly intoguagecharacters with a USB device is rec-● Anincorrectsongtitlemayappearwhenthe
the USB port. ommended. Play ModeischangedwhileusinganiPod®
● Do not grab the USB port cover (if so nano (2nd Generation).
equipped) whenpulling the USB deviceGeneral notes for USB use:● Audiobooks may not play in the same order
out of the port. This could damage the● Refer to your device manufacturer’s owneras they appear on an iPod®.
port and the cover. information regarding the proper use and● Largevideofilescauseslowresponsesinan
● Do not leave the USB cable in a placecare of the device.iPod®. The vehicle center display may mo-
where it can be pulled unintentionally. mentarily black out, but will soon recover.
Pulling the cable may damage the port. ● IfaniPod®automaticallyselectslargevideo
The vehicle is not equipped with a USB device.files while in the shuffle mode, the vehicle
USBdevicesshouldbepurchasedseparatelyas center display may momentarily black out,
necessary. but will soon recover.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-29

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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