owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
is playing to reverse or fast forward the trackRPT(repeat) button1 Disc Random: all tracks on the disc will be
being played. The compact disc plays at an in-When the RPT button is pressed while a com-played randomly.
creasedspeedwhilereversingorfastforwarding.pact disc is playing, the play pattern can be1Folder Random: all tracks in the current folder
When the button is released, the compact discchanged as follows:will be played randomly.
returns to normal play speed.
SEEK/TRACKbutton:CD: OFF: No random play pattern is applied. The
1Track Repeat ←→ OFF indicator on the display will turn off.
Press the SEEK/TRACK buttonwhile aCDwithMP3orWMA:ThecurrentplaypatternoftheCDisdisplayedon
CDorMP3/WMACDisplayingtoreturntothe the screen unless no pattern is applied.
beginning of the current track. Press the1Folder Repeat → 1 Track Repeat → OFFAUXbutton:
SEEK/TRACKbuttonseveraltimestoskip1TrackRepeat: the current track will be repeated.TheAUXINjackislocatedontheCDplayer.The
backward several tracks.1 Folder Repeat: the current folder will be re-AUX IN audio input jack accepts any standard
Press the SEEK/TRACK buttonwhile apeated. analog audio input such as from a portable cas-
CDorMP3/WMACDisplayingtoadvanceoneOFF:Norepeatplaypattern is applied. The indi-sette tape/CD player, MP3 player or a laptop
track.PresstheSEEK/TRACKbuttonsev-cator on the display will turn off.computer.
track on a CD is skipped, the first track on theThecurrentplaypatternoftheCDisdisplayedonpluggedinto the AUX IN jack. The AUX button is
disc is played. If the last track in a folder of anthe screen unless no pattern is applied.also used to switch the audio system to a source
MP3/WMACDisskipped, the first track of theRDM(random)buttonplugged into the USB input jack in the center
next folder is played. console. WhenadeviceispluggedintotheAUX
TUNE/FOLDERknob,ENTER/SETTINGWhenthe RDM button is pressed while a com-
pact disc is playing, the play pattern can beIN jack while another device is plugged into the
button (MP3/WMACDonly):changed as follows: USBinputjack,theAUXbuttonisusedtotoggle
If a MP3/WMA CD with multiple folders is play-CD:between the two functions.
ing, turn the TUNE/FOLDER knob to change For additional information about the USB input
folders. Turn the knob to the left to skip back a1DiscRandom←→OFFjack, refer to “USB (Universal Serial Bus) con-
folder. Turn the knob to the right to skip ahead aCDwithMP3orWMA:nection port” in this section.
Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems 4-39

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year of production from: 2013

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