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owners manual Nissan Pathfinder

owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (2.69 MB) 299 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
the (fast forward) or(rewind) again,rections to play the other side when the first side or the TAPE button. is completed. CAUTION APS(Automatic ProgramDolby NR (Noise Reduction): Do not force the cassette tape into theSearch) FF, APS REW:Push the Dolby NRbutton for Dolby NR tape door. This could cause player dam-When the(APS FF) button is pushedencoded tapes to reduce high frequency tape age. while the tape is being played, the next programnoise. The indicator will come on. will start to play from the beginning. Push theDolby noise reduction manufactured under li- Ifthe system is turned off by pushing the(APS FF) button several times to skipcense from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Cor- through programs. The tape will advance the ON⋅OFF/VOL control knobwith the cassette poration. Dolby NR and the double-D symbol tape still in the player, the tape will resumenumberoftimesthebuttonispushed(uptonineare trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Li- playing when the system is turned back on.programs).censing Corporation. PLAY: When the(APS REW) button is pushedMetal or chrome tape usage: once, the program being played starts over from  When the TAPE button is pushed with thethe beginning. Push the(APS REW) but-The cassette player will be automatically set to system turned off and a tape loaded, theton several times to skip back several selections.high performance play when playing a metal or system will come on and the tape will play.The tape will go back the number of times thechrome cassette tape.  WhentheTAPEbuttonispushedwith eitherbutton is pushed. Either the FF or REW symbolTAPE EJECT: the radio or compact disc turned on and theflashes on the right side of the display window tape loaded, the compact disc or the radiowhile searching for the selection.When this button is pushed with the tape will automatically be turned off and the tapeThis system searches for the blank intervalsloaded, the tape will be ejected. will play. between selections. If there is a blank intervalWhenthetapeisejectedwhileitisbeingplayed, FF (Fast Forward), REWwithin one program or there is no interval be-the system will be turned off. (Rewind): tween programs, the system may not stop in theCompact Disc (CD) player operation desired or expected location. Push the(fast forward) button to fastPROG(Program):Turn the ignition key to the ACC or ON position forward the tape. To rewind the tape, push the andinsert the compact disc into the slot with the (rewind) button. Either the FF or REWPush the PROG button to change the tape sidelabel side facing up. The compact disc will be symbolilluminatesontherightsideofthedisplaywhile the tape is being played.guided automatically into the slot and start play- window. To stop the FF or REW function, pressThe cassette tape will automatically change di-ing. Heater, air conditioner and audio systems 4-19 03.1.28/R50-D/V5 
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year of production from: 1996

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