owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
NOTE: is difficulty locating the button, reference the
Some devices may require you to replacegarage door opener’s manual.
Step 2 with the cycling procedure noted in5. Pressandreleasethe“learn”or“smart”but-
“Programming HomeLink® for Canadianton.
customers and gate openers” in this sec-6. Return to the vehicle and firmly press and
tion. hold the trained HomeLink® button for
3. Pressandholdtheprogrammed 2 seconds and release. Repeat the
HomeLink®button and observe the indica-“press/hold/release” sequence up to three
tor light. times to complete the training process.
● Iftheindicatorlight1is HomeLink®shouldnowactivateyourrolling
code equipped device.
solid/continuous, programming is
complete and your device should acti-7. If you have any questions or are having diffi-
LIC2366 vate when the HomeLink® button isculty programming your HomeLink® but-
2. Usingbothhands,simultaneouslypressandpressed and released.tons, refer to the HomeLink® web site at:
hold the desired HomeLink® button and● If the indicator light 1 blinks rapidly forwww.homelink.com or call 1-800-355-
hand-held transmitter button. DO NOT re- 3515.
2 seconds and then turns to a
leaseuntil the HomeLink®indicatorlight 1
flashes slowly and then rapidly. When thewithSteps4-6forarollingcodedevice.CANADIANCUSTOMERSAND
indicator light flashes rapidly, both buttonsAsecondpersonmaymakethefollowingGATEOPENERS
may be released. (The rapid flashing indi-stepseasier.Usealadderorotherdevice.
cates successful programming.)Do not stand on your vehicle to performCanadian radio-frequency laws require transmit-
the next steps. ter signals to “time-out” (or quit) after several
4. At the receiver located on the garage doorsecondsoftransmission–whichmaynotbelong
opener motor in the garage, locate theenough for HomeLink® to pick up the signal
“learn”or“smart”button(thenameandcolorduring training. Similar to this Canadian law,
of the button may vary by manufacturer but itsome U.S. gate operators are designed to “tim-
is usually located near where the hangingeout”in the same manner.
antennawireisattachedtotheunit).If there
Instruments and controls 2-61

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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