owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
To clear all programming: buttonthatwasjustprogrammed.ThisprocedureNOTE:
1. Press and hold the two outer HomeLink®will not affect any otherprogrammedHomeLink®Changesormodificationsnotexpresslyap-
buttons until the indicator light begins tobuttons.provedbythepartyresponsibleforcompli-
flash in approximately 10 seconds. Do notIF YOUR VEHICLE IS STOLENance could void the user’s authority to op-
hold for longer than 20 seconds. erate the equipment.
If your vehicle is stolen, you should change theFor Canada:
2. Release both buttons. codes of any non-rolling code device that has
HomeLink® is now in the programming modebeenprogrammedintoHomeLink®.ConsulttheThis device complies with Industry Canada
and can be programmed at any time beginningOwner’sManualofeachdeviceorcallthemanu-licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Opera-
with “Programming HomeLink®”- Step 1.facturer or dealer of those devices for additionaltion is subject to the following two condi-
information. tions: (1) this device may not cause inter-
REPROGRAMMINGASINGLE When your vehicle is recovered, you willference,and(2)thisdevicemustacceptany
HOMELINK®BUTTON interference, including interference that
needtoreprogramtheHomeLink®Univer-may cause undesired operation of the de-
To reprogram a HomeLink® Universal Trans-sal Transceiver with your new transmittervice.
ceiver button, complete the following:information.
1. PressandholdthedesiredHomeLink®but-FCCNotice:
ton. DO NOT release the button.For USA:
2. The indicator light will begin to flash afterThis device complies with Part 15 of the
20 seconds.WithoutreleasingtheFCCRules. Operation is subject to the fol-
HomeLink® button, proceed with “Pro-lowing two conditions: (1) This device may
gramming HomeLink®”- Step 1.not cause interference, and (2) this device
Forquestionsorcomments,contactHomeLink®must accept any interference received, in-
at: www.homelink.com or 1–800–355–3515cluding interference that may cause unde-
(except Mexico). sired operation.
The HomeLink® Universal Transceiver button
has now been reprogrammed. The new device
can be activated by pushing the HomeLink®
Instruments and controls 2-63

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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