owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
(if so equipped)
As many as four key fobs can be used with one● Do not place the key fob for an ex-
WARNING vehicle. For information concerning the purchase
● Radio waves could adversely affectanduseofadditionalkeyfobs,itisrecommendedtended period in an area where tem-
electric medical equipment. Those whoyou visit a NISSAN dealer.peratures exceed 140°F (60°C).
use a pacemaker should contact the ● Do not attach the key fob with a key
electric medical equipment manufac-The key fob will not function when:holder that contains a magnet.
turer for the possible influences before● the battery is discharged● Do not place the key fob near equip-
use. ment that produces a magnetic field,
● Theremotekeylessentrykeyfobtrans-● the distance between the vehicle and thesuchasaTV,audioequipmentandper-
mits radio waves when the buttons arekey fob is over 33 ft (10 m)sonal computers.
pressed. The FAA advises radio wavesThe panic alarm will not activate when theIf a key fob is lost or stolen, NISSAN rec-
mayaffect aircraft navigation and com-key is in the ignition switch.ommendserasing the ID code of that key
municationsystems.Donotoperatethe fob. This will prevent the key fob from
remote keyless entry key fob while on CAUTION unauthorized use to unlock the vehicle.
an airplane. Make sure the buttons areListed below are conditions or occur-For information regarding the erasing
not operated unintentionally when therences which will damage the key fob:procedure, it is recommended you visit a
unit is stored for a flight. NISSANdealer.
It is possible to lock/unlock all doors, turn the● Do not allow the key fob, which con-
interior lights on, and activate the panic alarm bytains electrical components, to come
using the key fob from outside the vehicle.into contact with water or salt water.
This could affect the system function.
Besuretoremovethekeyfromthevehicle● Donotdropthekeyfob.
before locking the doors.
Thekeyfobcanoperateatadistanceofapproxi-● Do not strike the key fob sharply
mately33ft(10m)fromthevehicle.Theeffectiveagainst another object.
distance depends on the conditions around the● Donotchangeormodifythekeyfob.
vehicle. ● Wettingmaydamagethekeyfob.Ifthe
it is completely dry.
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-7

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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