owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Audio system
you are out of digital range of the transmitter,Activating Sirius radio4.Press ENTER or the right arrow key to
No HD reception will be displayed.1.Tune to a satellite channel that has noselect a category.
audio, which means that the channel is> The first channel in the selected cate-
Sirius satellite radio* unsubscribed and the text "Call 888-539-gory will then be played.
SIRIUS TO SUBSCRIBE" is displayed (see
Listening to satellite radio also "Selecting a channel". NOTE
The Sirius satellite system consists of a number2.Call Sirius at 1-888-539-SIRIUS (7474).• The category ALL is default, which ena-
of high elevation satellites in geosynchronous bles you to scroll through the entire list
orbit. 3.When asked for the Sirius ID number press
AUTO to display this number. It is alsoof available satellite channels.
NOTE possible to retrieve the Sirius ID from the• The channel categories are automati-04
menu. cally updated several times a year. This
• The digital signals from the Sirius satel-4.UPDATING SUBSCRIPTION will be dis-takes approximately two minutes and
lites are line-of-sight, which means thatplayed while the subscription is beingwill interrupt normal broadcasting. A
physical obstructions such as bridges,updated, after which the display will returnmessage will be displayed while updat-
tunnels, etc, may temporarily interfereto the normal view.ing is in progress. Information on chan-
with signal reception. nel or feature updates is available at
• Avoid any obstructions, such as metal-SIRIUS ID www.sirius.com.
lic objects transported on roof racks orThe SIRIUS ID is required when contacting the
in a ski box, or other antennas that maySirius Call Center. It is used to activate yourSelecting a channel
impede signals from the SIRIUS satel-account and when making any account trans-There are three ways of tuning in a channel:
lites. actions. The SIRIUS ID is sometimes referred
to as the Electronic Serial Number (ESN).• Using the left and right arrow keys
Selecting Sirius radio mode • By turning the tuning control
1.Press Power to switch on the audio sys-Selecting a channel category• Through direct channel entry.
tem (see page 132 and see page 133 for1.Select Sirius radio mode as described
information on the standard audio andabove.
radio functions). 2.Press ENTER.
2.Press the MODE button repeatedly until3.Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll
Sirius 1 or 2 is displayed. through the list of categories.
* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.139

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year of production from: 2007

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