owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Audio system
broadcast signal centered on the same fre-How HD broadcasting worksthat as with any radio broadcast technol-
quency as the AM or FM station's present fre-HD Radio works similarly to conventional radioogy, terrain, time of day, foliage level and
quency. and broadcasts of this type are available inbuilding location can have positive or neg-
The IBOC system is referred to as a "hybrid"many areas of the United States. However,ative effects on radio reception.
since it is both analogue and digital. Duringthere are a few key differences:• Analogue to digital/digital to analogue
hybrid operation, receivers still continue to• Instead of transmitting one analogue sig-blending: Analogue to digital blending will
receive the analogue (non-digital) signal. HDnal, stations send out a bundled signal –occur as the signal strength reaches a pre-
radio receivers incorporate both modes ofboth analogue and digital.set threshold in the receiver. This will be
reception, where the receiver will automatically• An HD radio receiver can receive both dig-noticeable in fringe areas (areas with weak
switch to the analogue signal if the digital signalital and analogue broadcasts. Dependingreception) and is normal.
cannot be decoded or is lost by the receiver.on the terrain and location of the vehicleNOTE04
When you have tuned to an HD Radio station,(which will influence the signal strength),
the symbol will appear in the audio sys-the receiver will determine which signal toThere may be a noticeable difference in
tem display. receive. sound quality when a change from analogue
to digital or digital to analogue occurs, such
More information about HD radio and IBOCLimitations as:
can be found on Ibiquity's website,• Main channel vs. sub-channels (FM• Volume increase or decrease
www.hdradio.com and www.ibiquity.com.only): The main channel is the only channel• Equalizer settings, i.e. Bass/ Midrange/
Benefits of digital broadcastingthat can receive in hybrid mode (both dig-Treble cut or boost
• Better sound (FM sounds near CD qualityital and analogue). If a frequency has sub-• Time alignment (Digital program mate-
and AM as analogue FM). channels, they are broadcast in digitalrial in extreme cases can be as much as
• Some FM frequencies offer a greater num-mode only. The main FM channel will be8 seconds behind the analogue). This
ber of listening choices through “multicast-displayed as, for example, 93.9 WNYCwill noticeable as a "stuttering" effect.
ing” (consisting of a frequency's main(Volvo uses the symbol > to indicate there
are sub-channels available) The sub-FMThe above items are dependant on the
channel and any sub-channels that maychannels will be displayed as 93.9 – 2broadcaster's equipment settings and do
also be available on that particular fre-WNYC, 93.9 - 3 WNYC, etc.not indicate a fault in the vehicle's radio
quency. See also the section "Sub-chan-• Reception coverage area : Due to currentreceiver or antenna systems.
nels" below). IBOC transmitter power limitations, the
• When receiving a digital signal there is noreception coverage area in digital mode is
multipath disturbance or hisses/pops/somewhat more limited than the station's
crackling due to outside influences.analogue coverage area. Please be aware

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year of production from: 2007

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