" symbol (if the current frequency has
panel. any sub-channels) is displayed to the
3.Press ENTER to turn HD off (the X will dis-Example of an HD Radio station with sub-channelsright of the frequency. Pressing the
appear from the box on the display screen).In many cases, a main HD Radio station (FMarrow keys before the number is dis-
This will disable the radio's capability to receivewavebands only) will also have sub-channelsplayed will cause the radio to tune to the
digital broadcasts but it will continue to func- next available radio station, not to the
tion as a conventional (analogue) AM/FMoffering..."/>
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70
owners manual Volvo V70 XC70 - year of production: 2007 - Volvo V70 XC70 III owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Volvo V70 XC70, year of production 2007:
04 Comfort and driving pleasure
Audio system
Switching HD on or off Sub-channels main channel, press the left arrow key. To go
The factory setting for HD radio is on. However, to subchannel 2 (if available), press the right
when driving through areas with weak HD sig- arrow key.
nals (fringe areas), you may experience that the If you are currently tuned to a frequency's main
radio repeatedly switches between analogue/ channel, pressing the left arrow key will tune to
digital and digital/analogue reception. If this the next lower radio frequency.
happens, it may be desirable to switch HD off.
To do so: NOTE
1.Be sure the audio system is switched on • When the radio has gone into HD mode,
and in AM or FM mode. it may take several seconds before the
04 2.Press MENU in the center console control ">" symbol (if the current frequency has
panel. any sub-channels) is displayed to the
3.Press ENTER to turn HD off (the X will dis-Example of an HD Radio station with sub-channelsright of the frequency. Pressing the
appear from the box on the display screen).In many cases, a main HD Radio station (FMarrow keys before the number is dis-
This will disable the radio's capability to receivewavebands only) will also have sub-channelsplayed will cause the radio to tune to the
digital broadcasts but it will continue to func- next available radio station, not to the
tion as a conventional (analogue) AM/FMoffering additional types of programming orcurrent station's sub-channels.
receiver. Please note that when HD is switchedmusic. • When you are no longer in broadcasting
off, it will not be possible to tune to sub-chan-In such cases, the “>” symbol will be displayedrange of the currently tuned sub-chan-
nels (see the following section for a moreto the left of the frequency number and a num-nel, No HD reception will be dis-
detailed explanation of sub-channels).ber will be displayed to the right of the fre-played. The radio will then be muted
quency number indicating that the currentlyand it will be necessary to tune to or
Repeat steps 2 and 3 above to reactivate HDtuned frequency has at least one sub-channel.search for a new radio station.
(an X will appear in the box on the displayThe "2" in the illustration indicates that you are
screen). currently listening to the first sub-channel onSub-channels can also be stored as presets,
frequency 93.9. see page 133 for information on storing sta-
Selecting sub-channels tions.
To listen to a station's sub-channel(s), pressIf you press a sub-channel's preset button, it
the right arrow key on the center console or onmay take up to 6 seconds before the channel
the steering wheel keypad. To go back to thebecomes audible. If you press this button while

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year of production from: 2007

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