owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
HEATER OPERATION Defrosting or defogging the midpoint between hot and cold.
Heating This modeisusedtodefrost/defogthewindows.Heating and defogging
This mode is used to direct hot air from the floor1. Push the air recirculation button to the offThis mode heats the interior and defogs the
outlets. position. windscreen.
1. Push the air recirculation button to the off2. Turn the air control dial to theposition.1. Push the air recirculation button to the off
position for normal heating.3. Turn on the fan control dial.position.
2. Turn the air control dial to theposition. 2. Turn the air control dial to theposition.
4. Turn the temperature control dial to the de-3. Turn on the fan control dial.
3. Turn on the fan control dial.sired position between the middle and the
4. Turn the temperature control dial to the de-hot position.4. Turn the temperature control dial to the de-
sired position between the middle and the To quickly remove ice or fog from the win-sired position between the middle and the
hot position. dows, push the air recirculation button to thehot position.
For quick heating, move the air recirculationon position, the fan control dial to 4 and theOperating tips
button to the on position. Be sure to returntemperature control dial to the full hot posi- Clearsnowandicefromthewiperblade
the air recirculation button to the off positiontion. As soon as possible after the window isand air inlet in front of the windshield.
for normal heating. clear, push the air recirculation button to theThis will improve heater operation.
Ventilation off position.
Bi-level heating A slight delay may be experienced when
This mode directs outside air from the side and turning the air control dial. The system is not
center vents. This mode directs outside air from the side andmalfunctioning, it is only the system motors
1. Push the air recirculation button to the offcenter vents and hot air from the floor outlets.and solenoids switching from one outlet to
position. 1. Push the air recirculation button to the offanother.
2. Turn the air control dial to theposition.position. AIR CONDITIONER OPERATION
3. Turn on the fan control dial.2. Turn the air control dial to theposition.Start the engine, move the fan control dial to the
3. Turn on the fan control dial.desired (1 to 4) position and push in the air
4. Turn the temperature control dial to the de- conditioner button to activate the air conditioner.
sired position. 4. Normally turn the temperature control dial toWhen the air conditioner is on, cooling and
4-4 Heater, air conditioner and audio systems

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year of production from: 1996

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