owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
do not smoke or allow open flames Donotfillaportablefuelcontainerin Tighten until the fuel filler cap clicks.
or sparks near the vehicle when refu-the vehicle or trailer. Static electricityFailure to tighten the fuel filler cap
eling. cancauseanexplosionofflammableproperly may cause themal-
Fuelmaybeunderpressure.Turntheliquid, vapor or gas in any vehicle orfunction indicator lamp (MIL) to illu-
cap one-half turn, and wait for anytrailer. To reduce the risk of seriousminate. If thelamp illuminates
hissing sound to stop to prevent fuelinjury or death when filling portablebecause the fuel filler cap is loose or
from spraying out and possible per-fuel containers:missing,tightenorinstallthecapand
sonal injury. Then remove the cap.-Always place the container on thecontinue to drive the vehicle. The
ground when filling. lampshouldturnoffafter a few
Do not attempt to top off the fuel driving trips. If thelamp does
tankafterthefuelpumpnozzleshuts-Do not use electronic devicesnot turn off after a few driving trips,
off automatically. Continued refuel-while filling.have the vehicle inspected by an au-
ing may cause fuel over-flow, result--Keep the pump nozzle in contactthorized NISSAN dealer.
ing in fuel spray and possibly a fire.with the container while you are For additional information, see the
Only use an original equipment typefilling it. “Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL)” in
fuel filler cap as a replacement. It has-Use only approved portable fuelthe “2. Instruments and controls”
a built-in safety valve needed forcontainers for flammable liquid.section.
proper operation of the fuel system
and emission control system. An in-
correct cap can result in a seriousCAUTION
malfunction and possible injury. It
could also cause the malfunction in-
dicator lamp to come on. If fuel is spilled on the vehicle body,
Neverpourfuelintothethrottlebodyflush it away with water to avoid
to attempt to start your vehicle.paint damage.
3-14 Pre-driving checks and adjustments

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year of production from: 1996

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