owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
a station transmitter, the signals will tend to fadeject to interference as they travel from transmitterIf possible, do not put cargo over the satellite
and/or drift. to receiver. radio antenna.
Static and flutter: During signal interference fromFading: Occurs while the vehicle is passingAUDIO OPERATION PRECAUTIONS
buildings, large hills or due to antenna position,through freeway underpasses or in areas withCassette player
usually in conjunction with increased distancemany tall buildings. It can also occur for several
from the station transmitter, static or flutter canseconds during ionospheric turbulence even in To maintain good quality sound,
be heard. This can be reduced by adjusting theareas where no obstacles exist.NISSAN recommends using cassette
treble control counterclockwise to reduce treble tapesof60minutesorshorterinlength.
response. Static: Caused by thunderstorms, electrical
Multipath reception: Because of the reflectivepowerlines, electric signs and even traffic lights. Cassettetapesshouldberemovedfrom
characteristics of FM signals, direct and re-SATELLITE RADIO RECEPTIONthe player when not in use. Store cas-
flected signals reach the receiver at the same settes in their protective cases and
time. The signals may cancel each other, result-When the satellite radio is first installed or theaway from direct sunlight, heat, dust,
ing in momentary flutter or loss of sound.battery has been replaced, the satellite radiomoisture and magnetic sources.
The radio has an FM Diversity reception system,maynotworkproperly. This is not a malfunction. Directsunlightcancausethecassetteto
which employs two antennas if so equipped.Wait more than 10 minutes with satellite radiobecomedeformed.Theuseofdeformed
One is a rod type antenna; the other is anONforsatellite radio to receive all of the neces-cassettesmaycausethecassettetojam
antenna printed on the window. This systemsary data. in the player.
automatically switches to the antenna which isSatellite radio reception capability is not func- Do not use cassettes with labels which
receiving less noise. tional, and “NO SAT” will be displayed duringare peeling and loose. If used, the label
For additional information, see “Antenna” later inscrolling of modes, unless optional satellite re-could jam in the player.
this section. ceiver and antenna were factory installed prior to
purchase (retrofit unavailable), and an XMor If a cassette has loose tape, insert a
AMRADIORECEPTION SIRIUSTM satellite radio service subscription ispencil through one of the cassette hubs
AMsignals, because of their low frequency, canactive. and rewind the tape firmly around the
bend around objects and skip along the ground.Satellite radio performance may be affected ifhubs. Loose tape may cause tape jam-
In addition, the signals can be bounced off thecargocarriedontheroofrackblocksthesatelliteming and wavering sound quality.
ionosphere and bent back to earth. Because ofradio signal. Over a period of time, the playback
these characteristics. AM signals are also sub- head, capstan and pinch roller may col-
4-14 Heater, air conditioner and audio systems

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year of production from: 1996

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