owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
HORN HEATEDSEATS(ifsoequipped)
Donotuseorallowoccupants to use the
monitor elevated seat temperatures or
that contact the seat. Use of the seat
ous injury.
● The battery could run down if the seat
heater is operated while the engine is
LIC2319 LIC2670 not running.
Tosoundthehorn,pushnearthehorniconontheThe front seats are warmed by built-in heaters.● Donotusetheseatheaterforextended
steering wheel. periods or when no one is using the
1. Start the engine. seat.
WARNING 2. Push the LO or HI position of the switch, as● Do not put anything on the seat which
Do not disassemble the horn. Doing sodesired. The indicator light in the switch willinsulates heat, such as a blanket, cush-
could affect proper operation of theilluminate. ion, seat cover, etc. Otherwise, the seat
supplemental front air bag system. Tam-The heater is controlled by a thermostat,maybecomeoverheated.
peringwiththesupplementalfrontairbagautomatically turning the heater on and off.● Donotplaceanythinghardorheavyon
system may result in serious personalThe indicator light will remain on as long astheseatorpierceitwithapinorsimilar
injury. the switch is on. object.Thismayresultindamagetothe
3. When the seat is warmed or before you● Any liquid spilled on the heated seat
leave the vehicle, be sure to turn the switchshould be removed immediately with a
off. dry cloth.
2-38 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2013

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