owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● IfthekeyisturnedslowlywhenlockingThe alarm is activated by:2. Place the ignition switch in the OFF or
the driver’s door, the system may not● opening a door without using the key, aLOCK position and wait approximately
arm. Furthermore, if the key is turnedrequest switch, key fob or Intelligent Key10seconds.
beyondtheverticalpositiontowardthe(even if the door is unlocked by using the3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
unlock position to remove the key, theinside lock knob or the power door lock
systemmaybedisarmedwhenthekey 4. Restart the engine while holding the device
is removed.Iftheindicatorlightfailstoswitch). (which may have caused the interference)
glow for a period of time, unlock theHowtostopanactivated alarmseparate from the registered key.
door once and lock it again.The alarm stops only by unlocking the driver’sIf the no start condition re-occurs, NISSAN rec-
● Even when the driver and/or passen-doorbypressingthebuttononthekeyfobommends placing the registered key on a sepa-
gers are in the vehicle, the system willor Intelligent Key, or by unlocking all doors withrate key ring to avoid interference from other
arm with all doors closed and lockedany request switch (Intelligent Key models) ordevices.
with the ignition switch placed in theplacing the ignition switch in the ON or ACCFCCNotice:
OFFposition. position.
Vehicle security system activation For USA:
NISSANVEHICLEIMMOBILIZER This device complies with part 15 of the
ThevehiclesecuritysystemwillgivethefollowingSYSTEM FCCRules. Operation is subject to the fol-
alarm: TheNISSANVehicleImmobilizerSystemwillnotlowing two conditions: (1) This device may
● The headlights blink and the horn soundsallow the engine to start without the use of anotcauseharmfulinterference,and(2)this
intermittently. registered key. device must accept any interference re-
● Thealarm automatically turns off after a pe- ceived, including interference that may
riodoftime.However,thealarmreactivatesifIf the engine fails to start using a registered keycause undesired operation.
thevehicleistamperedwithagain.Thealarm(for example, when interference is caused by
canbeshutoffbyunlockingthedriver’sdooranother registered key, an automated toll roadNOTE:
with the key, a request switch, by pressingdevice or automatic payment device on the keyChangesormodificationsnotexpresslyap-
the buttononthekeyfoborIntelligentring), restart the engine using the following pro-provedbythepartyresponsibleforcompli-
Key or placing the ignition switch in the ONcedures: ance could void the user’s authority to op-
or ACCposition. 1. Leave the ignition switch placed in the ONerate the equipment.
position for approximately 5 seconds.
Instruments and controls 2-37

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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