owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Thesystemhelpsdetectvehicletheft but cannot● the key fob or Intelligent Key.
preventit, nor can it prevent the theft of interior orKey fob and Intelligent Key operation:
exterior vehicle components in all situations. Al-
ways secure your vehicle even if parking for a● Push thebutton. All doors lock.
brief period. Never leave your keys in the ignition,Thehazardlightsflashtwiceandthehorn
andalwayslockthevehiclewhenunattended.Bebeeps once to indicate all doors are
aware of your surroundings, and park in secure,locked.
well-lit areas whenever possible.
Manydevicesofferingadditionalprotection,such● Whenthebutton is pushed with
as component locks, identification markers, andall doors locked, the hazard lights flash
tracking systems, are available at auto supplytwice and the horn beeps once as a re-
stores and specialty shops. A NISSAN dealerminder that the doors are already locked.
mayalso offer such equipment. Check with yourThe horn may or may not beep. For addi-
LIC0301insurance company to see if you may be eligibletional information, refer to “Silencing the
for discountsforvarioustheftprotectionfeatures.horn beep feature” in the “Pre-driving
Your vehicle may have two types of security sys-Howtoarmthevehiclesecurity systemchecks and adjustments” section in this
tems: manual.
● Vehicle security system (if so equipped)1. Close all windows. (The system can be
armedevenifthewindowsareopen.)4. Confirmthattheindicator light comes
● NISSANVehicleImmobilizer System2. Place the ignition switch in the LOCK posi-on. Thelight stays on for about
VEHICLESECURITYSYSTEM(ifso tion and remove the key. 30 seconds. The vehicle security system is
equipped) 3. Close all doors. Lock all doors. The doorsnowpre-armed.Afterabout30secondsthe
can be locked with: vehicle security system automatically shifts
The vehicle security system provides visual and intothearmedphase.Thelight begins
audiblealarmsignalsifsomeoneopensthedoors● the power door lock switch (if the door isto flash once every 3 seconds. If, during the
when the system is armed. It is not, however, aopened, locked and then closed).30-secondpre-armtimeperiod, the driver’s
motiondetectiontypesystemthatactivateswhen● the key — master or mechanical (Intelli-door is unlocked by the key, a request
a vehicle is moved or when a vibration occurs.gent Key models).switch, the key fob or Intelligent Key, or if the
ignition switch is placed in the ACC or ON
● anyrequestswitch(IntelligentKeymodels).position, the system will not arm.
2-36 Instruments and controls

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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