owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
position as long as the low tire pressure warningwardEmergencyBraking(FEB)(ifsoequipped)”inLowOutsideTemperature
light remains illuminated. If this warning appears,the “Starting and driving” section of this manual.This warning appears if the outside temperature
stop the vehicle and adjust the tire pressures ofReminder: Turn OFF headlightsis below 37°F (3°C). The temperature can be
all four tires to the recommended COLD tire changed to display in Celsius or Fahrenheit. For
pressureshownontheTireandLoadingInforma-This warning appears when the headlights areadditional information, refer to “Unit” in this sec-
tion label. For additional information, refer toleft in the ON position when exiting the vehicle.tion.
“Low tire pressure warning light” in this sectionPlace the headlight switch in the OFF or AUTO
and “Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)”position. For additional information, refer toCruise control indicator (if so equipped)
in the “Starting and driving” section of this“Headlight and turn signal switch”in this section.This indicator shows the cruise control system
manual. Shipping Mode On Push Storage Fusestatus.
TPMSError: See Owner’s ManualThis warning may appear if the extended storageFor additional information, refer to “Cruise con-
This warning appears when there is an error withfuseswitchisnotpushedin(switchedon).Whentrol” in the “Starting and driving” section of this
yourTPMS.Ifthiswarningcomeson,itisrecom-this warning appears, push in (switch on) themanual.
mended you have the system checked by aextended storage fuse switch to turn off theIntelligent Cruise Control (ICC) system ON
NISSANdealer. warning. For additional information, refer toindicator (if so equipped)
BSW/RCTASystemMalfunction:See“Fuses” in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”This indicator shows the Intelligent Cruise Con-
Owner’s Manual (if so equipped)section of this manual.trol (ICC) system status. The status is shown by
This warning appears when the Blind SpotPushbrakeandstartbuttontodrivethe color. For additional information, refer to “In-
Warning/RearCrossTrafficAlertsystemsarenotThis indicator appears when the shift lever is intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) System” in the
functioning properly. For additional information,the P (Park) position.“Starting and driving” section of this manual.
refer to “Blind Spot Warning system” and “RearSide Radar Obstruction (if so equipped)
Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) system” in the “Start-This indicator means that the engine will start by
ing and driving” section of this manual.pushing the ignition switch with the brake pedalThis warning appears when the there is radar
FEBSystemMalfunction: See Owner’sdepressed. You can start the engine from anyblockage detected. For additional information,
Manual(if so equipped)position of the ignition switch.refer to “Blind Spot Warning (BSW) (if so
Illumination indicatorequipped)”inthe“Startinganddriving”sectionof
This warning appears when the Forward Emer- this manual.
gency Braking warning system is not functioningThis indicator appears when the vehicle informa-
properly. For additional information, refer to “For-tion display screen brightness is being adjusted.
Instruments and controls 2-35

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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