owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
98 Side windows
Side windows GWARNING
Important safety notes The reversing feature does not react:
GWARNING Rtosoft,lightandthinobjects,e.g.smallfin-
While opening the side windows, body partsRwhileresetting
could become trapped between the side win-This means that the reversing feature cannot
dowandthedoorframeasthesidewindowprevent someone being trapped in these sit-
moves. There is a risk of injury.uations. There is a risk of injury.
closingdowduring the opening procedure. If some-proximity during the closing procedure. If
andpulltheswitchtoclosethesidewindowagain.to open the side window again.
Whileclosing the side windows, body parts inOpeningandclosingthesidewin-
Openingis a risk of injury.
Whenclosing make sure that no parts of theTheswitchesforallsidewindowsarelocated
body are in the closing area. If somebodyonthedriver'sdoor.Thereisalsoaswitchon
the switch to open the side window again.The switches on the driver's door take prec-
If children operate the side windows they
left unsupervised. There is a risk of injury.
Activate the override feature for the rear side
windows. When leaving the vehicle, always
cle. Never leave children unsupervised in the
Side windowreversing feature :Frontleft
matic reversing feature. If a solid object=Rearright
blocks or restricts a side window from trav-?Rearleft
eling upwards during automatic operation,XTurntheSmartKeytoposition1or2inthe
the side window opens again automatically.ignition lock (
During the manual closing process, the sideXToopenmanually:pressandholdthecor-
windowonly opens again automatically afterresponding switch.
the corresponding switch is released. TheXToopenfully:presstheswitchbeyondthe
automaticreversingfeatureisonlyanaidandpoint of resistance and release it.
is no substitute for your attention when clos-Automatic operation is started.
ing a side window.

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year of production from: 2015

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