owners manual Seat Alhambra
owners manual Seat Alhambra - year of production: 2010 - Seat Alhambra II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Alhambra, year of production 2010:
Safe driving
● Always keep your feet in the footwell whilecould throw the seat backrest backwards and● The seat adjustment and lock areas must
the vehicle is in motion. Never, for example,injure the passengers of the rear seats.be kept clean.
put your feet on the surface of a seat or on
● Sit as far away as possible from the steer- ific
the dash panel and never put them out of a
ing wheel and the dash panel.
window. Otherwise the airbag and seat belt s
● Keep your back straight and resting com- al
offer insufficient protection and the risk of in-
Pedal area
pletely against the seat backrest and the
jury in the event of an accident is increased. hnic
front seats correctly adjusted. Never place ec
any part of your body in the area of the airbag
WARNING or very close to it.
Do not allow floor mats or other objects to
● If passengers on the rear seats are not sit-
Before every trip, adjust the seat, the seat
obstruct the free passage of the pedals.
belt and the head restraints and instruct yourting in an upright position, the risk of severe
injury due to incorrect positioning of the belt ic
passengers to fasten their seat belts proper-
Floor mats should leave the pedal area free
ly. web increases.
and unobstructed and be correctly secured inAdv
● Move the front passenger seat back as far the footwell zone.
as possible.
In the event of failure of a brake circuit, the
● Adjust the driver seat so that there is a dis-
Incorrect seat adjustment may lead to acci-brake pedal must be pressed harder than
tance of at least 25 cm (10 inches) between
dents and severe injuries. normal to brake the vehicle.
the centre of your chest and the hub of the
● Only adjust the seats when the vehicle is
steering wheel. Adjust the driver seat so that
stationary, as the seats could move unex-WARNING
you are able to press the accelerator, brake
pectedly while the vehicle is in motion and
and clutch pedals to the floor with your knees Objects falling into the driver's footwell could
you could lose control of the vehicle. Further-
slightly angled and that the distance be- prevent use of the pedals. This could lead the
more, an incorrect position is adopted when
tween your knees and the dash panel is at driver to lose control of the vehicle, increas-
adjusting the seat.
least 10 cm (4 inches). If your physical consti- ing the risk of a serious accident.
tution prevents you from meeting these re-● Only adjust the height, seat backrest and
● Make sure the pedals can be used at all
quirements, contact a specialised workshopforwards or backwards position of the seat
times, with no objects rolling underneath
to make any modifications required.when there is nobody in the seat adjustment
● Never drive with the seat backrest tilted far
● Always secure the mat in the footwell.
back. The further the seat backrests are tilted● There must be no objects blocking the seat
● Never place other mats or rugs on top of
to the rear, the greater the risk of injury dueadjustment area. Saf
the original mat supplied by the factory.
to incorrect positioning of the belt web or to
● Only adjust the height, angle and longitu-
the incorrect sitting position! ● Ensure that no objects can fall into the driv-
dinal position of the rear seats when nobody
er's footwell while the vehicle is in motion.
● Never drive with the seat backrest tiltedis in the way.
forwards. Should a front airbag deploy, it

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year of production from: 2010

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Seat Alhambra II 2 owners manual
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