owners manual Seat Alhambra
owners manual Seat Alhambra - year of production: 2010 - Seat Alhambra II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Alhambra, year of production 2010:
Safe driving
If your physical constitution prevents you●Adjust and fasten your seat belt correctly
Adjusting the steering wheel positions
from maintaining the correct sitting position,››› page 14.
contact a specialised workshop for help with
any special devices. The seat belt and airbagAlso valid for the driver:
can only provide optimum protection if a cor- s
●Adjust the steering wheel so that there is a
rect sitting position is adopted. SEAT recom-
distance of at least 25 cm (10 inches) be-
mends taking your car in for technical serv-
tween it and your chest ››› Fig. 1 and so that ec
you can hold the steering wheel with both
For your own safety and to reduce the risk ofhands on the outside of the ring at the 9
injury in the event of an accident or suddeno'clock and 3 o'clock positions with your
braking or manoeuvre, SEAT recommend thearms slightly bent.
following positions:
●The adjusted steering wheel must face your
Fig. 3 Mechanical steering wheel adjustment
chest and not your face.
Valid for all vehicle occupants:
●Adjust the driver seat forwards or back-
Adjust the steering wheel before your trip
●Adjust the head restraint so that its upper
wards so that you are able to press the accel-
and only when the vehicle is stationary.
edge is at the same level as the top of your
erator, brake and clutch pedals to the floor
head, or as close as possible to the same lev- ●Push the lever ››› Fig. 3 1 downwards.
with your knees slightly angled and the dis-
el as the top of your head and under no cir-
tance between your knees and the dash pan-
●Adjust the steering wheel so that you can
cumstances below eye level. Keep the back
el is at least 10 cm (4 inches) ››› Fig. 1.
hold onto the steering wheel with both hands
of your neck as close as possible to the head
●Adjust the height of the driver seat so thaton the outside of the ring at the 9 o'clock and
and ›
restraint ››› Fig. 1›› Fig. 2.
you can easily reach the top of the steering3 o'clock positions and your arms slightly
●Short people must lower the head restraint
wheel. bent.
completely, even if your head is below its up-
● ●Push the lever firmly upwards until it is
Keep both feet in the footwell so that you
per edge.
have the vehicle under control at all times.flush to the steering column ››› .
●Tall people must raise the head restraint
completely. WARNING
Also valid for the front passenger:
●Adjust the seat backrest to an upright posi- ety
● Incorrect use of the steering wheel adjust-
Move the front passenger seat back as far
tion so that your back rests completely ment function and an incorrect adjustment of
as possible for optimum protection should Saf
against it. the steering wheel can result in severe or fa-
the airbag deploy.
tal injury.
●Always keep your feet in the footwell while
● After adjusting the steering column, push
the vehicle is in motion.
the lever ››› Fig. 3 1 firmly upwards to

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year of production from: 2010

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Seat Alhambra II 2 owners manual
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