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owners manual Seat Alhambra

owners manual Seat Alhambra - year of production: 2010 - Seat Alhambra II 2 owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Alhambra, year of production 2010:
Safety Seat belt status display for rear seats Ensure that your passengers wear their seat Seat belt protection belts as well. Accident statistics have shown The seat belt status display on the instru- that wearing seat belts is an effective means ment panel informs the driver, when the igni- of substantially reducing the risk of injury tion is switched on, whether any passengers and improving the chances of survival when in the rear seats have fastened their seat involved in a serious accident. Furthermore, belts. The symbol  indicates that the pas- properly worn seat belts improve the protec- sen er in this seat has fastened “his or her” g tion provided by airbags in the event of an seat belt ››› Fig. 5. accident. For this reason, wearing a seat belt The seat belt status is displayed for around is required by law in most countries. 30 seconds when a seat belt in the rear seats Although your vehicle is equipped with air- is fastened or unfastened. You can switch off bags, the seat belts must be fastened and this display by pressing the 0.0 / SET button. Fig. 6 Drivers with properly worn seat belts worn. The front airbags, for example, are only The seat belt status flashes for a maximum ofwill not be thrown forward in the event of sud- triggered in some cases of head-on collision. 30 seconds when a seat belt in the rear seatsden braking The front airbags will not be triggered during is unfastened while the vehicle is in motion. minor frontal or side collisions, rear-end colli- Properly worn seat belts hold the occupants An audible warning will also be heard if the sions, rollovers or accidents in which the air- in the proper position. They also help prevent vehicle is travelling at over 25 km/h bag trigger threshold value in the control unit uncontrolled movements that may result in (15 mph). is not exceeded. serious injury and reduce the risk of being The rear seat display can be enabled or disa- Therefore, you should always wear your seat thrown out of the vehicle in case of an acci- bled by a technical service centre. belt and ensure that all vehicle occupants dent. have fastened their seat belts properly before Vehicle occupants wearing their seat belts you drive off! correctly benefit greatly from the ability of the belts to absorb kinetic energy. In addition, the front part of your vehicle and other pas- sive safety features (such as the airbag sys- tem) are designed to absorb the kinetic ener- gy released in a collision. Taken together, all these features reduce the releasing kinetic energy and consequently, the risk of injury. This is why it is so important to fasten seat belts before every trip, even when "just driv- ing around the corner". 12
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year of production from: 2010

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