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owners manual Renault Espace

owners manual Renault Espace - year of production: 2015 - Renault Espace V 5 owners manual EN

Document: pdf (9.28 MB) 318 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Renault Espace, year of production 2015:
RENAULT “HANDS-FREE” CARD: usage (2/4) “Hands-free” locking using the sensor 3 If you wish to lock your vehicle while the card is within range, make sure that the doors and boot are closed and place your finger over the sensor 3 on the 2 driver’s door handle. The vehicle will lock. Note: The sensor cannot be used to lock the vehicle unless the RENAULT card is within the access zone 1. 3 4 Special features of the locking system “Hands-free” unlocking Remote “Hands-free” lockingHaving locked the vehicle by pressing the sensor 3, there is a delay of approx- imately 3 seconds before it can be un- With the RENAULT card in zone , With the RENAUL1 T card on you, and locked again. During these 3 seconds, place your hand on a door handle 2: the doors and boot closed, move away the door handles can be tried to make vehicle will unlock. from the vehicle: it will lock automati- sure that the vehicle is locked properly. The hazard warning lights flash once cally as soon as you leave the access to indicate that the doors have been un-zone. If a door is open or not properly closed: locked. Note: The distance at which the vehicle – when locking using the sensor 3, locks depends on the surroundings.the vehicle will lock/unlock in quick Pressing button unlocks the whole4 succession, but the hazard warning vehicle, including the boot, orTo indicate that the doors have been, for ve- lights will not flash; hicles equipped with an automatic tail-locked, the hazard warning lights – the vehicle will not lock as you move gate, opens the boot completely.flash once and then light up for ap- away. proximately four seconds, and a beep sounds in confirmation. 1.5
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year of production from: 2015

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