owners manual Seat Toledo
owners manual Seat Toledo - year of production: 2012 - Seat Toledo IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Toledo, year of production 2012:
tion. Otherwise, the steering lock could en-● The starter motor may only be used (key
gage suddenly. Risk of accident! position 3 ››› Fig. 89 ››› page 97 in the igni-
tion) if the engine is off. Using the starter mo-
● Do not remove the key from the ignition un-
Starting and stopping the
tor when the engine is running could damage
til the vehicle has come to a standstill and is
engine secure (e.g. the handbrake is engaged). Oth-
erwise, the steering lock could suddenly en-● Immediately release the ignition key when
gage. Risk of accident! the engine starts, otherwise damage could be
caused to the starter motor.
● Always take the ignition key with you when
you leave the vehicle. This is particularly im-● When the engine is cold, you should avoid
portant if you leave children in the vehicle.high engine speeds, driving at full throttle
● Never adjust the steering wheel while the
Children could, for example, start the engineand over-loading the engine before it reaches
vehicle is moving!
with the subsequent risk of accident.operating temperature. Risk of engine dam-
● For safety reasons, the steering wheel ad- age!
● Never leave the engine running in unventi-
justment lever must always be pushed se-
lated or closed rooms. The exhaust gases● Do not tow-start the engine. Risk of engine
curely against the steering column to prevent
contain carbon monoxide, an odourless anddamage! In vehicles with a catalytic convert-
the steering wheel from accidentally chang-
colourless poisonous gas. Risk of fatal acci-er, fuel that has not been burned could reach
ing position while driving. Risk of accident!
dents! Carbon monoxide can cause people tothe catalytic converter and catch fire in it.
● If the steering wheel is adjusted closer tolose consciousness and can cause death.This would lead to a fault in the catalytic con-
your face, the protective effect of the driver verter. You may use the battery from another
● Never leave the vehicle unattended if the
airbag will be decreased in the event of an ac- vehicle to help you start your engine
engine is running.
cident. Check that the steering wheel is ››› page 157, Jump-starting.
● Never switch the engine off until the vehi-
pointing towards the upper part of your body.
● After prolonged and demanding operation
cle has come to a complete stop. Risk of acci-
● When driving, always hold the steering of the engine, when the journey has ended,
wheel with both hands on the outside part at do not stop the engine immediately. Let the
the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions. Never engine run at idle for about one more minute.
hold the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock po- This will stop the engine from overheating.
sition, or in any other manner (e.g. in the cen-
● Turning the steering wheel fully in either
tre of the steering wheel). In such cases, if
direction when the vehicle is stationary and
For the sake of the environment
the airbag is triggered, you may sustain inju-
the engine is in gear puts the power steering
ries to the arms, hands and head. Do not warm up the engine when the vehicle
under great stress. This could lead to noise.
is stationary. If possible, move off immediate-
● When moving with the engine switched off,Never leave the steering wheel turned fully in
ly after starting the engine. This will help the
the ignition key must always remain in posi-either direction for more than 15 seconds.
engine reach operating temperature more
tion 2 ››› Fig. 89 ››› page 97 (ignition on).Risk of damage to the power steering system!
quickly, reducing the quantity of emissions.
The control lamps will light up in this posi-
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year of production from: 2012
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Seat Toledo IV 4 owners manual
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