owners manual Peugeot 4007
owners manual Peugeot 4007 - year of production: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Peugeot 4007 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Peugeot 4007, year of production 2007 - 2012:
D eactivation R eactivation
SYSTEMS In exceptional conditions (starting a ve- These systems are not reactivated au-
Asso ciated systems which guarantee hicle which is bogged down, stuck in tomatically above 30 mph (50 km/h).
the directional stability of the vehicle snow, on soft ground, .), it may be ad- Press the " ASC OFF" button again
within the limits of the laws of physics: visable to deactivate the ASC system, to reactivate them manually.
so that the wheels can move freely and Switching off of the symbol in the top
- traction control (TCL), regain grip. right corner of the instrument panel
- automatic stability control (ASC). screen indicates the reactivation of the
ASC and TCL systems.
T raction control and automatic O perating fault
stability control The displaying of this mes-
Traction control optimises traction to sage on the instrument
prevent wheel spin, by acting on the panel screen indicates a
brakes of the driving wheels and on the malfunction of these sys-
engine. tems.
Automatic stability control acts on the C ontact a PEUGEOT dealer to have the 6
brake of one or more wheels and on the Press the " ASC OFF" button, locat-ASC/TCL systems checked.
engine to keep the vehicle on the tra-ed to the left of the steering wheel,
jectory required by the driver. until the ASC OFF symbol appears The ASC/TCL systems offer ex-
on the instrument panel screen. ceptional safety in normal driving,
but this should not encourage the
A ctivation driver to take extra risks or drive
These systems are activated automati- at high speed.
cally each time the vehicle is started. The correct functioning of these
They operate when the vehicle speed is systems depends on observa-
tion of the manufacturer's rec-
higher than 10 mph (15 km/h). ommendations regarding the
wheels (tyres and rims), the
They come into operation in braking components, the elec-
the event of a grip or trajectory tronic components and the as-
problem. sembly and repair procedures
used by the PEUGEOT dealer
This is indicated by fl ashing network.
of this symbol on the instrument panel The display of this symbol in the top Af ter an impact, have these sys-
screen. right corner of the instrument panel tems checked by a PEUGEOT
screen indicates that the ASC and TCL dealer.
systems are deactivated.

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year of production from: 2007

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Peugeot 4007 owners manual
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