owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 90
Controls Safety
Final tire failure Status display
Vibrations or loud noises while driving can1."Vehicle Info"
indicate the final failure of the tire. Reduce speed
2. "Vehicle status"
and stop; otherwise, pieces of the tire could
3. "TPM"
come loose and cause an accident. Do not conѪ
The status is displayed.
tinue driving, and contact your service center.◀
Status indicator on the Control Display
The tire and system status is indicated by the
Tire Pressure Monitor TPM
color of the tires.
The concept A change in the tire inflation pressure during
driving is taken into account.
The tire inflation pressure is measured in the
four mounted tires. The system notifies you ifA correction is only necessary if this is indicated
there is a significant loss of pressure in one orby the TPM
more tires.
Wheels, green
Functional requirements
The tire inflation pressure is equal to the target
The system must have been reset while the inѪstate.
flation pressure was correct; otherwise, reliable
signaling of a flat tire is not ensured. One wheel is yellow
Always use wheels with TPM electronics to enѪA flat tire or major drop in inflation pressure in
sure that the system will operate properly.the indicated tire.
Reset the system after each correction of the
All wheels are yellow
tire inflation pressure and after every tire or
wheel change. ▷ A flat tire or major drop in inflation pressure
in several tires.
System limits
▷ The system was not reset after a wheel
change and thus issues a warning based on
Sudden tire damage
the inflation pressures initialized last.
Sudden serious tire damage caused by
▷ A flat tire in one or more tires while the sysѪ
external influences cannot be indicated in adѪ
tem is being reset.
The system does not operate correctly if it has
Wheels, gray
not been reset. For example, a flat tire may be
The system cannot detect a flat tire.
indicated despite correct tire inflation presѪ
Reasons for this may be:
▷ TPM is being reset.
The system is inactive and cannot indicate a flat
tire: ▷ Disturbance by systems or devices with the
same radio frequency.
▷ For a mounted wheel without TPM electronѪ
ics. ▷ Malfunction.
▷ When the TPM is disturbed by other sysѪ
tems or devices with the same radio freѪ
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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manual BMW X1 E84 BMW X1 E84 owners manual
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