owners manual BMW X1 E84
owners manual BMW X1 E84 - year of production: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 - BMW X1 E84 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X1 E84, year of production 2009 - 2016:
Seite 87
Safety Controls
Leave feet in the footwell Indicator lamp for the front passenger
Make sure that the front passenger keeps
his or her feet in the footwell; otherwise, the front
passenger airbags may not function properly.◀
Child restraint fixing system in the front
passenger seat
Before transporting a child on the front passenѪ
ger seat, refer to the safety notes and instrucѪ
tions under Children on the front passenger
seat, refer to page 50.◀
The indicator lamp for the front passenger airѪ
Malfunction of the automatic
bags indicates the operating state of the front
deactivation system
passenger airbags.
When transporting older children and adults, the
The lamp indicates whether the airbags are acѪ
front passenger airbags may be deactivated in
tivated or deactivated.
certain sitting positions. In this case, the indicaѪ
▷ The indicator lamp lights up
tor lamp for the front passenger airbags lights
when a child who is properly
seated in a child restraint fixѪ
In this case, change the sitting position so that
ing system intended for that
the front passenger airbags are activated and
purpose is detected on the
the indicator lamp goes out.
seat or the seat is empty. The
If it is not possible to activate the airbags, have airbags on the front passenѪ
the person sit in the rear. ger side are not activated.
To make sure that occupation of the seat cushѪ▷ The indicator lamp does not light up when,
ion can be detected correctly: for example, a correctly seated person of
sufficient size is detected on the seat. The
▷ Do not attach seat covers, seat cushion padѪ
airbags on the front passenger side are acѪ
ding, ball mats or other items to the passenѪ
ger seat unless they are specifically recomѪ
mended by BMW. The system generally detects children seated in
a child seat, especially in the child seats that
▷ Do not place any objects on the front pasѪ
were required by NHTSA when the vehicle was
senger seat.
manufactured. After installing a child seat, make
▷ Do not place objects under the seat that
sure that the indicator lamp for the front pasѪ
could press against the seat from below.
senger airbags lights up. This indicates that the
child seat has been detected and the front pasѪ
senger airbags are not activated.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 914 595 - VI/12
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year of production from: 2009
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manual BMW X1 E84 BMW X1 E84 owners manual
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