text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
Lane Assist
Controlling Lane Assist Warnings In addition, Model X may not steer away from
an adjacent vehicle, or may unnecessarily
To turn Lane Departure Warning on or of,apply steering, if:
touch Controls > Settings > Driver•You are driving Model X on sharp corners
Assistance > Lane Departure Warning.or on a curve at a relatively high speed.
To turn Side Collision Warning on or of, touch•You are drifting into another lane but an
Controls > Settings > Driver Assistance > Sideobject (such as a vehicle) is not present.
Collision Warning. • A vehicle in another lane cuts in front of
Note: Your chosen settings are retained untilyou or drifts into your driving lane.
you manually change them. They are also•Model X is traveling less than 30 km/h or
saved in your driver proile. over 140 km/h.
• One or more of the ultrasonic sensors is
Limitations and Inaccuracies damaged, dirty, or obstructed (such as by
mud, ice, or snow).
Lane Assist can not always clearly detect lane•Weather conditions (heavy rain, snow, fog,
markings and you may experience or extremely hot or cold temperatures)
unnecessary or invalid lane departureare interfering with sensor operation.
warnings in these situations: • The sensors are afected by other
• Visibility is poor and lane markings are notelectrical equipment or devices that
clearly visible (due to heavy rain, snow,generate ultrasonic waves.
fog, etc.). The exact detection zone of the•An object mounted to Model X (such as a
ultrasonic sensors vary depending onbike rack or a bumper sticker) is
environmental conditions. interfering with or obstructing a sensor.
• Bright light (oncoming headlights or•Visibility is poor and lane markings are not
direct sunlight) is interfering with theclearly visible (due to heavy rain, snow,
camera's view. fog, etc.).
• Model X is being driven very close to a•Bright light (oncoming headlights or
vehicle in front of it which is blocking thedirect sunlight) is interfering with the
camera's view. camera's view.
• The windshield area in the camera's ield•Lane markings are excessively worn, have
of view is obstructed (fogged over, dirty,been adjusted due to road construction or
covered by a sticker, etc.). are changing quickly (for example, lanes
• Lane markings are excessively worn, havebranching of, crossing over, or merging).
been adjusted due to road construction orWarning: The lists above do not represent
are changing quickly (for example, lanesan exhaustive list of situations that may
branching of, crossing over, or merging).interfere with the Lane Assist warnings.
• The road is narrow or winding. Lane Assist may fail to provide warnings
• Objects or landscape features are castingfor many other reasons. To avoid a
strong shadows on lane markers. collision, stay alert and always pay
Side Collision Warning may not provideattention to the roadway when driving
warnings, or may apply inappropriateModel X so you can anticipate the need to
warnings, in these situations: take corrective action as early as possible.
• One or more of the ultrasonic sensors isCaution: If a fault occurs with the Lane
damaged, dirty, or obstructed (such as byAssist system, Model X displays an alert.
mud, ice, or snow). Contact Tesla Service.
• Weather conditions (heavy rain, snow, fog,
or extremely hot or cold temperatures)
are interfering with sensor operation.
• The sensors are afected by other
electrical equipment or devices that
generate ultrasonic waves.
• An object that is mounted to Model X is
interfering with and/or obstructing a
sensor (such as a bike rack or a bumper
Driver Assistance 87
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