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owners manual Tesla X

owners manual Tesla X - year of production: 2015 - Tesla X owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Tesla X, year of production 2015:
Traic-Aware Cruise Control Cruising at the Speed Limit To increase/decrease speed by 1 km/h, move the lever up or down to the irst position and Traic-Aware Cruise Control makes it easy torelease. To increase/decrease speed to the cruise at the speed limit. Once you've initiallyclosest 5 km/h increment, move the lever up/ set a cruising speed, you can adjust the speeddown to the second position and release. For to cruise at the speed limit that is currentlyexample, if you are traveling at 83 km/h and being determined by Speed Assist (see Speedyou move the lever up to the second position Assist on page 91). To do so, pull the cruiseand release, the speed increases to 85 km/h. control lever toward you and holdYou can also increase/decrease speed by momentarily (about half a second). When youholding the lever in the full up/down position release, your cruising speed is set to the speedand releasing when the desired speed displays that is automatically or manually beingbelow the cruise control icon. determined by Speed Assist, taking intoTo cruise at the speed limit that is currently consideration any ofset you have speciied.being determined by Speed Assist, pull the Note: When you adjust the cruising speedcruise control lever toward you and hold based on the speed limit, the set speed doesmomentarily (about half a second). See Speed not change when the speed limit changes. YouAssist on page 91. must pull and hold the cruise control leverNote: It may take a few seconds for Model X again to cruise at the new speed limit. You canto reach the new cruising speed. also manually adjust your cruising speed at any time (see Changing the Set Speed on page 77). Overtake Acceleration Note: If Speed Assist is unable to determine aWhen following a vehicle with Traic-Aware speed limit, your set speed does not changeCruise Control active, engaging the turn signal when you pull the cruise control lever towardto indicate a move into the passing lane briely you and hold momentarily. accelerates Model X towards the vehicle Warning: Do not rely on Speed Assist toahead. By momentarily holding the turn signal determine an accurate or appropriatelever up or down (depending on the region cruising speed. Always cruise at a safeyou are driving in), you can quickly accelerate speed based on road conditions.up to your set speed without having to press the accelerator pedal. The turn signal Changing the Set Speed accelerates Model X only when the following conditions are met: To change the set speed while using Traic-•Traic-Aware Cruise Control is operating Aware Cruise Control, move the cruise controland detecting a vehicle in front. lever up (increase) or down (decrease) until•No obstacles or vehicles are detected in your desired speed is reached. the target lane. • Model X is traveling below the set speed, but over 72 km/h. • The turn signal indicates a move into the passing lane. Overtake Acceleration is intended as an aid when passing a vehicle ahead of you. When the turn signal is engaged, Traic-Aware Cruise Control continues to maintain distance from the vehicle ahead, but allows you to drive slightly closer than your selected distance. Note: Model X uses its onboard GPS (Global Positioning System) to determine if you are driving in a region with right or left hand traic. This enables the appropriate turn signal to provide overtake acceleration. When driving in right hand traic, only the left turn signal indicates a move into the passing lane. In left hand traic, only the right turn signal (moving the turn signal lever up) indicates Driver Assistance 77
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year of production from: 2015

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