owners manual Lancia Ypsilon
owners manual Lancia Ypsilon - year of production: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Lancia Ypsilon owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Lancia Ypsilon, year of production 2003 - 2011:
077-090 Ypsilon GB 10-10-2008 10:19 Pagina 82
(where provided) In the event of failure, the instrument(Antislip Regulation)
cluster warning light *will come on
It is an integral part of the ESP sys-
DASHBOARDAND CONTROLStem and facilitates starting on an up-together with the message on the mul-(where provided)
hill slope. tifunction display (see section “Warn-
It is automatically activated in the fol-ing lights and messages”).The ASR function controls the vehi-
SAFETYDEVICESlowing conditions: IMPORTANT The Hill Holder systemcle drive and cuts in automatically
is not a parking brake therefore, neverevery time one or both driving wheels
Uphill: vehicle stationary on a road
leave the car without engaging the
with gradient above 2%, engine run- slip.
ning, clutch and brake pedals pressedparking brake, the first gear and turn-In slipping conditions, two different
ing the engine off. control systems are activated:
CORRECTUSE OF THE CARand gearbox in neutral position or
gear engaged (reverse excluded). ❒if the slipping involves both the dri-
Downhill: stationary on a road with ving wheels, the ASR function in-
gradient above 2%, engine running, WARNING tervenes reducing the power trans-
clutch and brake pedals pressed andDuring the use of the sparemitted by the engine;
WARNINGLIGHTS ANDMESSAGESreverse engaged.wheel, the ESP system
carries on working. However, you❒if the slipping involves only one dri-
During pickup the ESP system con- ving wheel, the ASR system cuts in
trol unit maintains the wheel brakingmust remind that the spare wheel automatically braking the wheel
presents dimensions smaller thanthat is slipping.
IN AN pressure until the engine torque re-
EMERGENCYquired for start up is reached, or any-the standard tyre and therefore theThe action of the ASR is particularly
way for a maximum of 2 seconds, sogrip is reduced as to the other car helpful in the following circum-
that the right foot can be moved eas-tyres. stances:
CAR ily from the brake pedal to the accel-
erator pedal. ❒slipping of the inner wheel due to
MAINTENANCEAfter 2 seconds and without starting the effect of dynamic load changes
the car, the system automatically de- or excessive acceleration;
activates gradually releasing the brak- WARNING ❒too much power transmitted to the
For correct operation of
ing pressure. During this phase it is wheels also in relation to the con-
TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONSpossible to hear the typical brake me-the ESP system, the tyres ditions of the road surface;
chanical disengaging noise which in-must absolutely be of the same
❒acceleration on slippery, snowy or
dicates the car is about to move off. brand and type on all wheels, in
frozen surfaces;
perfect conditions and, above all,
INDEX of the type, brand and size speci-
fied. ❒in the case of loss of grip on a wet
surface (aquaplaning).
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year of production from: 2003
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