owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
Infants And Child Restraints WARNING!
Safety experts recommend that children ride rearward-•Never place a rear facing infant seat in front of an
facing in the vehicle until they are two years old or untilair bag. AdeployingpassengerAdvancedFrontAir
they reach either the height or weight limit of their rearBag can cause death or serious injury to a child
facing child safety seat. Two types of child restraints can
be used rearward-facing: infant carriers and convertible12yearsoryounger,includingachildinarearward
child seats. facing infant seat.
The infant carrier is only used rearward-facing in the•Onlyusearearward-facing child restraint in a rear
vehicle. It is recommended for children from birth untilseat.
they reach the weight or height limit of the infant carrier.Older Children And Child Restraints
Convertible child seats can be used either rearward-Children who are two years old or who have outgrown
facing or forward-facing in the vehicle. Convertible childtheir rear-facing convertible child seat can ride forward-
seats often have a higher weight limit in the rearward-facing in the vehicle. Forward-facing child seats and
facing direction than infant carriers do, so they can beconvertible child seats used in the forward-facing direc-
used rearward-facing by children who have outgrowntion are for children who are over two years old or who
their infant carrier but are still less than at least two years
old. Children should remain rearward-facing until they
reach the highest weight or height allowed by their
convertible child seat.

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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