owners manual Jeep Patriot
owners manual Jeep Patriot - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015 - Jeep Patriot owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Jeep Patriot, year of production 2013 - 2015:
including the severity and type of collision. AdvancedSeat belts are necessary for your protection in all colli-
Front Air Bags are not expected to reduce the risk ofsions, and also are needed to help keep you in position,
injury in rear, side, or rollover collisions.away from an inflating air bag.
The Advanced Front Air Bags will not deploy in allTheORCmonitorsthereadinessoftheelectronicpartsof
frontal collisions, including some that may produce sub-the air bag system whenever the ignition switch is in the
stantial vehicle damage — for example, some pole colli-START or ON/RUN position. If the key is in the OFF
sions, truck underrides, and angle offset collisions. Onposition, in the ACC position, or not in the ignition, the
the other hand, depending on the type and location ofair bag system is not on and the air bags will not inflate.
impact, Advanced Front Air Bags may deploy in crashesThe ORC contains a backup power supply system that
with little vehicle front-end damage but that produce amaydeploytheairbagsevenifthebatterylosespoweror
severe initial deceleration. it becomes disconnected prior to deployment.
The side air bags will not deploy in all side collisions.Also, the ORC turns on the Air Bag Warning
Side air bag deployment will depend on the severity andLight in the instrument panel for approxi-
type of collision. mately four to eight seconds for a self-check
Because air bag sensors measure vehicle decelerationwhen the ignition is first turned on. After the
over time, vehicle speed and damage by themselves areself-check, the Air Bag Warning Light will turn off. If the
not good indicators of whether or not an air bag shouldORCdetects a malfunction in any part of the system, it
have deployed.

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year of production from: 2013

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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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Jeep Patriot owners manual
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