owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Safety features of your vehicle
WARNING - No attaching Side air bag Your vehicle is equipped with a side
air bag in each front seat.The pur-
objects pose of the air bag is to provide the
• No objects (such as crash pad vehicle's driver and/or the front pas-
cover, cellular phone holder, senger with additional protection than
cup holder, perfume or stick- that offered by the seat belt alone.
ers) should be placed over or • The side air bags are designed to
near the air bag modules on deploy during certain side-impact
the steering wheel,instrument collisions, depending on the crash
panel, windshield glass, and severity, angle, speed and point of
the front passenger's panel impact.However, when side deploy-
above the glove box. Such OCK037036 ment threshold is satisfied at front-
objects could cause harm if impact, side air bags may deploy.
the vehicle is in a crash
severe enough to cause the • The side air bags may deploy on
air bags to deploy. the side of the impact or on both
Do not place any objects over • The side and/or curtain air bags on
the air bag or between the air both sides of the vehicle will deploy
bag and yourself. if a rollover or possible rollover is
• Never place or insert any detected.
object into any small opening • The side air bags are not designed
near side airbag labels
attached to the vehicle seats. OJF035041 to deploy in all side impact or
❈The actual air bags in the vehicle may differrollover situations.
When the air bag deploys, the from the illustration.
object may affect the deploy-
ment and result in unexpected
accident or bodily harm.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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