owners manual KIA Stinger
owners manual KIA Stinger - year of production: 2017 - KIA Stinger owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Stinger, year of production 2017:
Safety features of your vehicle
Additionally, your vehicle is equippedWARNING- Replacement/Front air bags are not intended to
with an occupant detection system in deploy in side-impact, rear-impact or
the front passenger's seat.The occu-modificationsrollover crashes. However, when
pant detection system detects thefrontal deployment threshold is satis-
The front passenger seat, dash-
presence of a passenger in the front fied at side-impact, front air bags
board or door should not be
passenger's seat and will turn off the may deploy.In addition, front air bags
replaced except by an author-
front passenger's air bag under cer- will not deploy in frontal crashes
ized Kia dealer using original
tain conditions. For more detail, see below the deployment threshold.
Kia parts designed for this vehi-
“Occupant detection system” in this
chapter. cle and model. Any other such
replacement or modification
could adversely affect the oper-WARNING- SRS Wiring
Do not tamper with or discon-
Modification to the seat structure canation of the occupant detection
system and your advanced airnect SRS wiring or other com-
cause the air bag to deploy at a dif- ponents of the SRS system.
ferent level than should be provided.bags. Doing so could result in injury,
Manufacturers are required by gov- due to accidental deployment of
Advanced air bags are combined withthe air bags or by rendering the
ernment regulations to provide a
pre-tensioner seat belts to help pro-
contact point concerning modifica- SRS inoperative.
vide enhanced occupant protection in
tions to the vehicle for persons with
frontal crashes. Front air bags are not
disabilities, which modifications may
affect the vehicle’s advanced air bag intended to deploy in collisions in
system.That contact is Kia’s toll-free which sufficient protection can be pro-
vided by the pre-tensioner seat belt.
Customer Assistance center at 1-
800-333-4Kia. However, Kia does
not endorse nor will it support any
Air bags can only be used once –
changes to any part or structure of
have an authorized Kia dealer
the vehicle that could affect the
replace the air bag immediately
advanced air bag system, including
the occupant detection system.after deployment.
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year of production from: 2017
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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KIA Stinger owners manual
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