owners manual Suzuki Vitara
owners manual Suzuki Vitara - year of production: 2015 - Suzuki Vitara II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Suzuki Vitara, year of production 2015:
Air bags must inflate quickly and forcefully
in order to reduce the chance of serious or
fatal injuries. However, an unavoidable
consequence of the quick inflation is that
the air bag may irritate bare skin, such as
the facial area against a front air bag. Also,
upon inflation, a loud noise will occur and
will be released.
some powder and smoke
These conditions are not harmful and do
not indicate a fire in the vehicle. Be aware,
however, that some air bag components
80J125 80J 11 0 may be hot for a while after inflation.
• Crash from the side by a motorcycle or • Vehicle rollover A seat belt helps keep you in the proper
bicycle position for maximum protection when an
How the system works air bag inflates. Adjust your seat as far
In a frontal crash, the crash sensors will back as possible while still maintaining
detect rapid deceleration, and if the con-control of the vehicle. Sit fully back in your
troller judges that the deceleration repre-seat; sit up straight; do not lean over the
frontal crash, the controller steering wheel or dashboard. Front occu-
sents a severe pants should not lean on or sleep against
will trigger the inflators. If your vehicle is the door. Refer to "Seat adjustment" sec-
equipped with side air bags and side cur- tion and "Seat belts and child restraint sys-
will detect a
tain air bags, crash sensors tems" section in this section for details on
side crash, and if the controller judges that proper seat and seat belt adjustments.
the side crash is severe enough, it will trig-
80J126 ger the side air bag and side curtain air
• Crash with a utility pole or stumpage bag inflators. The inflators inflate the
th nitrogen or argon
appropriate air bags wi
gas. The inflated air bags provide a cush-
ion for your head (front air bags and side
curtain air bags only) and upper body. The
air bag inflates and deflates so quickly that
you may not even realize that it has acti-
vated. The air bag will neither hinder your
to exit the vehicle.
view nor make it harder
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year of production from: 2015
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Suzuki Vitara II 2 owners manual
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