owners manual Nissan X-Trail
owners manual Nissan X-Trail - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan X Trail T30 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan X-Trail, year of production 2001 - 2009:
4. Confirm that the SECURITY indicator light Opening the hood. 4. Restart the engine while holding the device
A (which may have caused the interference)
comeson.TheSECURITYindicator light Howto stop an activated alarm
glows for about 30 seconds and then blinks. separate from the registered key.
Thesystemisnowactivated.If,duringthis30Thealarmwill stop only by unlocking a door withIf this procedure allows the engine to start,
second time period, the door is unlocked bythe key, or by pushing the UNLOCK button onNISSANrecommends placing the registered
the key or the keyfob, or the ignition key iskeyfob. The alarm will not stop if the ignition keykey on a separate key ring to avoid interfer-
turned to ACC or ON, the system will notis turned to ACC or ON. ence from other devices.
activate. If the system does not operate as de- This device complies with RSS-210 of In-
Even when the driver and/or passengers scribed above, have it checked by a dustry Canada. Operation is subject to the
are in the vehicle, the system will activateNISSAN dealer. following two conditions;
with all doors, hood and back door locked NISSAN VEHICLE IMMOBILIZER (1) This device may not cause harmful in-
and ignition key off. Turn the ignition key terference, and (2) this device must accept
to ACC to turn the system off. SYSTEM any interference received, including inter-
Vehicle security system activation TheNISSANVehicleImmobilizerSystemwillnot ference that may cause undesired opera-
allow the engine to start without the use of thetion of the device.
Thesecurity system will give the following alarm:registered key. CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS NOT EX-
The hazard indicators flash and the hornIf the engine does not start using the registeredPRESSLYAPPROVEDBYTHEPARTYRE-
sounds intermittently. key (for example, when interference is caused bySPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE COULD
The alarm automatically turns off after ap-another registered key, an automated toll roadVOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPER-
proximately 25 seconds, and this will bedevice or automated payment device on the keyATE THE EQUIPMENT.
repeated three times. However, the alarmring), restart the engine using the following
reactivates if the vehicle is tampered withprocedures:
again. The alarm can be shut off by unlocking
a door with the key, or by pushing the 1. Leave the ignition switch in the ON position
UNLOCKbutton on the keyfob. for approximately 5 seconds.
The alarm is activated by: 2. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF or LOCK
Opening the door (including the back door)position and wait approximately 5 seconds.
without using the key or keyfob. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
2-14 Instruments and controls
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year of production from: 2001
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Nissan X Trail T30 I 1 owners manual
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