owners manual Nissan X-Trail
owners manual Nissan X-Trail - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 - Nissan X Trail T30 I 1 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan X-Trail, year of production 2001 - 2009:
Brake warning light Charge warning light
This light functions for both the parking brake Pressing the brake pedal with theIf the light comes on while the engine is running,
and the foot brake systems. it may indicate that the charging system is not
engine stopped and/or low brakefunctioning properly. Turn the engine off and
Parking brake indicator: fluid level may increase your stop-check the alternator belt. If the belt is loose,
Whenthe ignition key is in the ON position, theping distance and braking will re-broken, missing or if the light remains on, see a
light comes on when the parking brake is ap-quire greater pedal effort as well asNISSAN dealer immediately.
plied. greater pedal travel.
Low brake fluid warning light: If the brake fluid level is below theCAUTION
The light warns of a low brake fluid level. If theMINmarkon the brake fluid reser-
light comes on while the engine is running withvoir, do not drive until the brake sys-Do not continue driving if the belt is
the parking brake not applied, stop the vehicletem has been checked at a NISSANloose, broken or missing.
and perform the following:dealer.
1. Checkthebrakefluidlevel.Addbrakefluidas Door open warning light
necessary. See“Brakeandclutchfluid”inthe2. If the brake fluid level is correct, have theThis light comes on when any of the doors are
“8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section.warning system checked by a NISSANnot closed securely while the ignition key is ON.
dealer. Avoid high speed driving and abrupt
WARNING braking. Engine oil pressure warning
Anti-lock brake system warning light:light
Yourbrakesystemmaynotbework-When the parking brake is released and theThis light warns of low engine oil pressure. If the
ing properly if the warning light is on.brake fluid level is sufficient, if both the brakelight blinks or comes on during normal driving,
Driving could be dangerous. If youwarning light and the anti-lock brake warningpull off the road in a safe area, stop the engine
judge it to be safe, drive carefully tolight illuminate, it may indicate the anti-lock brakeimmediatelyandcallaNISSANdealerorother
the nearest service station for re-system is not functioning properly. Have theauthorized repair shop.
pairs. Otherwise, have your vehiclebrake system checked by a NISSAN dealer. SeeTheengineoilpressurewarninglightisnot
towed because driving it could be“Anti-lock brake warning light” earlier in thisdesignedtoindicatealowoillevel.Usethe
section. dipstick to check the oil level. See “Engine
2-8 Instruments and controls
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year of production from: 2001
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Nissan X Trail T30 I 1 owners manual
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