owners manual Mercedes SLK
owners manual Mercedes SLK - year of production: 2011 - Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes SLK, year of production 2011:
68 Driving safety systems
In the following situations, it may be better toXTodeactivateESP®:pressbutton:until
activate SPORT handling mode or deactivate ®
the åESP OFFwarninglamplightsup
ESP : in the instrument cluster.
Rwhenusingsnowchains The÷OFFmessageappearsinthemul-
Rindeepsnow tifunction display.
Ronsandorgravel The åESP®OFFwarninglampinthe
SafetyRonspecially designated roads when theinstrument cluster goes out. The ÷
ing characteristics are desired tion display.
Driving in SPORT handling mode or without
ESP requires an extremely qualified andCharacteristics of activated SPORT han-
experienced driver. dling mode
® If SPORT handling mode is activated and one
iActivateESP assoonasthesituations
® or more wheels start to spin, the ÷ ESP®
describedabovenolongerapply.ESP will
otherwise not be able to stabilize the vehi-warning lamp in the instrument cluster
cle if the vehicle starts to skid or a wheelflashes. ESP® only stabilizes the vehicle to a
starts to spin. limited degree.
!Avoidspinningthedrivenwheelsforan WhenSPORThandlingmodeisactivated:
® R ®
extended period with ESP deactivated.ESP onlyimproves driving stability to a
Youcouldotherwisedamagethedrivetrain.limited degree.
Deactivating/activating ESP® Rtraction control is still activated.
Renginetorque is no longer limited and the
drive wheels are able to spin.
ting action for better traction on loose sur-
Rtheengine's torque is restricted only to a
limited degree and the drive wheels can
cutting action, which provides better grip.
R ®
ESP stillprovidessupportwhenyoubrake
XToactivateSPORThandlingmode: CharacteristicswhenESP®isdeactivated
briefly press button :. ®
The MSPORThandlingmodewarning If ESP isdeactivatedandoneormorewheels
lamp in the instrument cluster lights up.start to spin, the ÷ ESP® warning lamp in
The SPORT handling mode message the instrument cluster flashes. In such situa-
appears in the multifunction display. ®
tions, ESP will not stabilize the vehicle.
XTodeactivateSPORThandlingmode: ®
If you deactivate ESP :
briefly press button :. R ®
The MSPORThandlingmodewarning ESP nolongerimprovesdriving stability.
lamp in the instrument cluster goes out.Renginetorque is no longer limited and the
drive wheels are able to spin.
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Mercedes Benz SLK R172 owners manual
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