owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
The essentials
Attach the tow rope or the tow bar only to theThe brake servo only works when the engine●Switch the ignition on.
o horages provided or a towing is running. When not running, you must ap-
t wline anc
●Once both vehicles are moving, release the
bracket. ply considerably more pressure to the brake
●As soon as the engine starts, press the
Notes for the driver of the towing vehicle
As the power assisted steering does not work
clutch and move the gear lever into neutral.
●The tow rope must be taut before you drive
if the engine is not running, you will need
This helps to prevent driving into the towing
off. more strength to steer than you normally
●Release the clutch very carefully when start-
ing the vehicle (manual gearbox), or acceler-
››› in General information on page 96
ate gently (automatic gearbox).
››› in General information on page 96
››› page 96
Driving style
››› page 96
Towing requires some experience, especially
when using a tow rope. Both drivers should
realise how difficult it is to tow a vehicle. In-
How to jump start
experienced drivers should not attempt to
Jump leads
If the engine will not start, first try starting it
Do not pull too hard with the towing vehicle
using the battery of another vehicle
and take care to avoid jerking the tow rope.
The jump lead must have a sufficient wire
››› page 67. You should only attempt to tow-
When towing on an unpaved road, there is al-
cross section.
start a vehicle if charging the battery does
ways a risk of overloading and damaging the
not work. This is done by leveraging wheel
If the engine fails to start because of a dis-
anchorage points.
charged battery, the battery can be connec-
The ignition of the vehicle being towed must
ted to the battery of another vehicle to start
When tow-starting a vehicle with a petrol en-
be switched on to prevent the steering wheel
the engine.
gine, do not tow it more than a short dis-
from locking and also to allow the use of the
tance, otherwise unburned fuel can enter the
turn signals, horn, windscreen wipers and
Jump leads
catalytic converter.
Jump leads must comply with standard DIN
Place the gear lever in neutral on vehicles
However, if your vehicle has to be tow-star-
72553 (see cable manufacturer's instruc-
with a manual gearbox. With an automatic
tions). The wire cross section must be at least
gearbox, place the lever in N. 2
nd rd 25 mm for petrol engines and at least
●Engage 2 or 3 gear.
35 mm for diesel engines. »
●Keep the clutch pressed down.
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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