owners manual Mercedes CL
owners manual Mercedes CL - year of production: 2006 - Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes CL, year of production 2006:
Technical data
Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc.
Engine oils !Using engine oils and oil filters of Engine oil additives
specification other than those expressly
Engine oils are specifically tested for their required for the Maintenance System !Do not blend oil additives with engine oil.
suitability in our engines and durability for (U.S. vehicles, Canada vehicles, depending on They may damage the engine.
our service intervals. Therefore, only use vehicle production date) or FSS PLUS (Canada Damage or malfunctions resulting from blending
approved engine oils and oil filters vehicles, depending on vehicle production date), oil additives are not covered by the
required for vehicles with Maintenance or changing of oil and oil filter at change intervals Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
System (U.S. vehicles, Canada vehicles, longer than those called for by the Maintenance
System (U.S. vehicles, Canada vehicles, depend-Air conditioning refrigerant
depending on vehicle production date) or ing on vehicle production date) or FSS PLUS
FSSPLUS (Canada vehicles, depending on (Canada vehicles, depending on vehicle produc-R-134a (HFC) refrigerant and special PAG
vehicle production date). For a listing of tion date) will result in engine or emission control lubricating oil are used in the air condition-
approved engine oils and oil filters, refer to system damage not covered by the
the Factory Approved Service Products Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.ing system.
pamphlet (USA only), or contact an autho-Please follow Maintenance System !Never use R-12 (CFC) or mineral-based
rized Mercedes-Benz Center.(U.S. vehicles, Canada vehicles, depending on lubricating oil. Otherwise damage to the system
vehicle production date) or FSS PLUS (Canada will occur.
vehicles, depending on vehicle production date)
recommendations for scheduled oil changes.
Failure to do so will result in engine or emission
control system damage not covered by the
Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.

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year of production from: 2006

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Mercedes Benz CL C216 owners manual
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