owners manual Chevrolet Silverado
owners manual Chevrolet Silverado - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet Silverado I 1 owners manuals EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Silverado, year of production 1998 - 2006:
If a child restraint has been installed and the onHere are the most important things to know about the
indicator is lit, turn the vehicle off. Remove the childairbag system:
restraint from the vehicle and reinstall the child restraint.
If after reinstalling the child restraint and restarting{CAUTION:
the vehicle, the on indicator is still lit, check to make
sure that the vehicle’s seatback is not pressing the child
restraint into the seat cushion. If this happens, slightlyYou can be severely injured or killed in a crash
recline the vehicle’s seatback and adjust the seatif you are not wearing your safety belt — even
cushion if possible. Also make sure the child restraint isif you have airbags. Wearing your safety belt
not trapped under the vehicle head restraint. If thisduring a crash helps reduce your chance of
happens, adjust the head restraint.hitting things inside the vehicle or being
If the on indicator is still lit, secure the child in the childejected from it. Airbags are designed to work
restraint in a rear seat position in the vehicle andwith safety belts, but do not replace them.
check with your dealer. Airbags are designed to deploy only in
To remove the child restraint, just unbuckle the vehicle’smoderate to severe frontal and near frontal
safety belt and let it go back all the way. The safetycrashes. They are not designed to inflate in
belt will move freely again and be ready to work for anrollover, rear or low-speed frontal crashes,
adult or larger child passenger.or in many side crashes. And, for some
Airbag System unrestrained occupants, airbags may provide
less protection in frontal crashes than more
Your vehicle has airbags — one airbag for the driverforceful airbags have provided in the past.
and another airbag for the right front passenger.Everyone in your vehicle should wear a safety
Frontal airbags are designed to help reduce the risk ofbelt properly — whether or not there is an
injury from the force of an inflating frontal airbag.airbag for that person.
But these airbags must inflate very quickly to do their
job and comply with federal regulations.

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year of production from: 1998

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Chevrolet Silverado I 1 owners manuals
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