owners manual Chevrolet Silverado
owners manual Chevrolet Silverado - year of production: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Chevrolet Silverado I 1 owners manuals EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Chevrolet Silverado, year of production 1998 - 2006:
Securing a Child Restraint in
the Right Front Seat Position {CAUTION:
(Regular and Extended Cab) Achild in a rear-facing child restraint can be
(With Passenger Sensing System) seriously injured or killed if the right front
Your vehicle has a right front passenger airbag. A rearpassenger’s airbag inflates. This is because
seat is a safer place to secure a forward-facing childthe back of the rear facing child restraint
restraint. See Where to Put the Restraint on page 1-38.would be very close to the inflating airbag. Be
In addition, your vehicle has the passenger sensingsure the airbag is off before using a rear-facing
system. The passenger sensing system is designed tochild restraint in the right front seat position.
turn off the right front passenger’s frontal airbagEven though the passenger sensing system is
when an infant in a rear-facing infant seat or a smalldesigned to turn off the passenger’s frontal
child in a forward-facing child restraint or booster seat isairbag under certain conditions, no system is
detected. See Passenger Sensing System on page 1-72fail-safe, and no one can guarantee that an
and Passenger Airbag Status Indicator on page 3-36airbag will not deploy under some unusual
for more information on this including importantcircumstance, even though it is turned off.
safety information. General Motors recommends that rear-facing
child restraints be transported in vehicles with
a rear seat that will accommodate a rear-facing
child restraint, whenever possible.
If you need to secure a forward-facing child restraint in
the right front seat position, move the seat as far
back as it will go before securing the forward-facing
child restraint. See Power Seats on page 1-4 or Manual
Seats on page 1-3.

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year of production from: 1998

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