Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags1-45
books, shoes, or other objects trappedthe following SUBARU bought your vehicle.
under the seat, at the rear of the seat, or
. Ensure that the backward-forward po-Subaru of America, Inc.
sition and seatback of front passenger’s
seat are locked into place securely byCustomer Dealer Services Department
moving the seat back and forth.P.O. Box 6000
. Next, turn the ignition switch to theCherry Hill, NJ 08034-6000
“ON” position and wait 6 seconds to allow1-800-SUBARU3 (1-800-782-2783)
the system to complete self-checking.
Following the system check, both indica-
tors turn off for 2 seconds. Now, the ONServco Subaru Inc., dba Subaru Hawaii
indicator should illuminate while the OFF2850PukoloaStreet, Suite 202, Honolulu,
indicator remains off. HI 96819
Ifthe OFF indicator still remains illumi-
nated while the ON indicator remains off,
ask the occupant to move to the rear seatShen’s Corporation dba Prestige Automo-
and immediately contact your SUBARUbile
dealer for an inspection. 491, East Marine Drive, Route 1 Dededo,
! Effect vehicle modifications madeGuam
for persons with disabilities may671-633-2698
have on SUBARU advanced frontal
airbag system operation (U.S. only)
Changing or moving any parts of the frontTrebol Motors
seats, rear seat, seatbelts, front bumper,P.O. Box 11204, San Juan, Puerto Rico
front side frame, radiator panel, instrument00910
panel, combination meter, steering wheel,787-793-2828
steering column, tire, suspension or floorThere are currently no SUBARU distribu-
panel can affect the operation of thetors in any other U.S. territories. If you are
SUBARU advanced airbag system. Ifin such an area, please contact the
you have any questions, you may contactSUBARU distributor or dealer from which