owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
sible. Serious vehicle damage could If the vehicle is being driven atSupplemental air bag warning
occur and may lead to an accidentspeeds of less than 20 MPH (32light
and could result in serious personalkm/h), the low tire pressure warningAfter turning the ignition key to the ON position,
injury. Check the tire pressure for allsystem may not operate correctly.the supplemental air bag warning light will illu-
four wheels and adjust the pressure Besuretoinstallthespecifiedsizeofminate. The supplemental air bag warning light
to the COLD tire pressure shown ontires to the four wheels correctly.will turn off after about 7 seconds if the supple-
thetireplacard.Ifthelightstillcomes mental front air bag and supplemental side air
on while driving after adjusting the bag systems and pre-tensioner seat belt are
tire pressure, a tire may be flat. If youLow washer fluid warning lightoperational.
haveaflattire,replaceitwithaspare(Canada only)Ifany of the following conditions occur, the
tire as soon as possible. supplemental front air bag, supplemental side air
When a spare tire is mounted or aThis light comes on when the washer fluid in thebag (if so equipped) and supplemental curtain
washertankisatalowlevel.Addwasherfluidasside-impact air bag (if so equipped) systems,
wheel is replaced, the low tire pres-necessary. See “Window washer fluid” in the “8.and pre-tensioner seat belt need servicing and
sure warning system will not func-Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section.your vehicle must be taken to your nearest
tion. Contact your NISSAN dealer asSeat belt warning light andNISSAN dealer.
soonaspossiblefortirereplacementchime The supplemental air bag warning light re-
and/or system resetting. mains on after approximately 7 seconds.
The light and chime remind you to fasten seat The supplemental air bag light flashes inter-
belts. The light illuminates whenever the ignitionmittently.
CAUTION key is turned to ON, and will remain illuminated Thesupplementalairbaglightdoesnotcome
until the driver’s seat belt is fastened. At theon at all.
Thelowtirepressurewarningisnotasame time, the chime will sound for about sixUnless checked and repaired, the supplemental
substitute for the regular tire pres-seconds unless the driver’s seat belt is securelyrestraint system and/or the pre-tensioner seat
sure check. Be sure to check the tirefastened.belt may not function properly. For additional
pressure regularly. See “Seat belts” in the “1. Seats, restraints andinformation, see “Supplemental restraint system”
supplemental air bag systems” section for pre-in the “1. Seats, restraints and supplemental air
cautions on seat belt usage.bag systems” section.
Instruments and controls 2-13

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year of production from: 1996

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