owners manual Nissan Pathfinder
owners manual Nissan Pathfinder - year of production: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Pathfinder, year of production 1996 - 2003:
Do not drive on dry hard surfaceLow tire pressure warning light
CAUTION roadsinthe4Hor4LOposition.Ifthe(if so equipped)
Running the engine with the oil pres-4WDwarninglightturnsonwhenyouThelight comes on for about 1 second when the
sure warning light on could cause seri-are driving on dry hard surface roadskey switch is turned ON, and then it turns off.
ousdamagetotheenginealmostimme- in the AUTO or 4H position, shiftThis light warns a low tire pressure.
diately. Turn off the engine as soon as itthe 4WD shift switch to 2WD.Low tire pressure warning:
is safe to do so. in the 4LO position, stop the ve-If the vehicle is being driven with flat tire or low
hicle, move the automatic trans-tire pressure, the light will illuminate. Also a
chime will sound for about 10 seconds.
4WDwarning light ( mission lever to the Nposition,
model) and shift the 4WD shift switch toFor additional information, see “Low tire pres-
2WD. sure warning system” in the “5. Starting and
The four wheel drive warning light comes on driving” section and “Flat tire” in the “6. In case
when the key switch is turned to ON. It turns offIf the warning light is still on after theof emergency” section.
soon after the engine is started.above operation, have your vehicle
If the engine or vehicle is not functioning prop-checked by an authorized NISSANWARNING
erly, the warning light will either remain illumi-dealer as soon as possible.
nated or blink. See “4WD warning light” in the If the light does not come on with the
“5. Starting and driving” section.Low fuel warning lightkey switch turned ON, have the ve-
CAUTION This light comes on when the fuel in the tank ishicle checked by a NISSAN dealer as
getting low. Refuel as soon as it is convenient,soon as possible.
preferably before the fuel gauge reaches E. If the light comes on while driving,
If the warning light comes on orThere will be a small reserve of fuel re-avoid sudden steering maneuvers or
blinks during operation, have yourmaining in the tank when the fuel gaugeabruptbraking,reducevehiclespeed,
vehicle checked by an authorizedneedle reaches E.pull off the road to a safe location
NISSAN dealer as soon as possible. and stop the vehicle as soon as pos-
2-12 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 1996

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Nissan Pathfinder II 2 owners manual
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