owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● Thedriverandfrontpassengerseatbelt
buckles are equipped with sensors that
severity of a collision and seat belt us-
age then inflates the air bags as
needed. Failure to properly wear seat
belts canincreasetheriskorseverityof
injury in an accident.
● The front passenger seat is equipped
with an Occupant Classification Sensor
senger air bag OFF under some condi-
WRS0031 tions. This sensor is only used in this
seat. Failure to be properly seated and
● Theseatbeltsandthefrontairbagsarewearing the seat belt can increase the
● The front air bags ordinarily will notmosteffectivewhenyouaresittingwellrisk or severity of injury in an accident.
inflateintheeventofasideimpact,rearback and upright in the seat. The frontFor additional information, refer to
impact, rollover, or lower severity fron-air bags inflate with great force. Even“Front passenger air bag and status
tal collision. Always wear your seatwiththeNISSANAdvancedAirBagSys-light” in this section.
belts to help reduce the risk or severitytem, if you are unrestrained, leaning● Keephandsontheoutsideofthesteer-
of injury in various kinds of accidents.forward,sittingsidewaysoroutofposi-ing wheel. Placing them inside the
tioninanyway,youareatgreaterriskofsteering wheel rim could increase the
● The front passenger air bag will notinjury or death in a crash. You may alsorisk that they are injured when the front
inflate if the passenger air bag statusreceiveseriousorfatalinjuriesfromtheair bag inflates.
light is lit or if the front passenger seatfront air bag if you are up against it
is unoccupied. For additional informa-whenitinflates.Alwayssitbackagainst
tion, refer to “Front passenger air bagthe seatback and as far away as practi-
andstatus light”in this section.cal from the steering wheel or instru-
mentpanel. Always use the seat belts.
Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-47

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year of production from: 2013

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