owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
PRECAUTIONSONSRS Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and
This SRS section contains important informationrollover supplemental air bag system
concerning the following systems:This system can help cushion the impact force to
● Driver and passenger supplemental front-the head of occupants in the outboard seating
impact air bag (NISSAN Advanced Air Bagpositions in certain side-impact or rollover colli-
System) sions. In a side impact, the curtain air bags are
designed to inflate on the side where the vehicle
● Front seat-mounted side-impact supple-is impacted. In a rollover, curtain air bags on both
mental air bag sides are designed to inflate and remain inflated
● Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and roll-for a short time.
over supplemental air bag The SRS is designed to supplement the crash
● Seatbelt with pretensioner protection provided by the driver and front pas-
senger seat belts and is not a substitute for
LRS0865Supplemental front-impact air bag systemthem.Seatbeltsshouldalwaysbecorrectlyworn
7. If the booster seat is installed in the front and the occupant seated a suitable distance
passenger seat, place the ignition switch inTheNISSANAdvancedAirBagSystemcanhelpaway from the steering wheel, instrument panel
theONposition.Thefrontpassengerairbagcushiontheimpactforcetotheheadandchestofand door finishers. For additional information,
status lightmayormaynotilluminate,the driver and front passenger in certain frontalrefer to “Seatbelts”inthissectionforinstructions
depending on the size of the child and thecollisions. and precautions on seat belt usage.
type of booster seat being used. For addi-Front seat-mounted side-impact supple-The supplemental air bags operate only
tional information, refer to “Front passengermental air bag systemwhentheignitionswitchisplacedintheON
air bag and status light” in this section.This system can help cushion the impact force toposition.
thechestareaofthedriverandfrontpassengerinAfter placing the ignition switch in the ON
certain side-impact collisions. The side air bagsposition, the supplemental air bag warning
are designed to inflate on the side where thelight illuminates. The supplemental air bag
vehicle is impacted. warninglightwillturnoffafterabout7sec-
ondsif the system is operational.
1-46 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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