owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 66
Controls Driving
When the vehicle lighting system is switched
Rain sensor
on, the headlamps are cleaned at regular and
If the car is equipped with a rain sensor, the
appropriate intervals.
time between wipes is controlled automatically
and depends on the intensity of the rainfall.
Do not use the washer system at freezing
The rain sensor is mounted on the windshield, temperatures
directly in front of the interior rearview mirror.
Do not use the washers if there is any danger
that the fluid will freeze on the windshield; othѪ
Activating the rain sensor
erwise, your vision could be obscured. For this
reason, use antifreeze.
Avoid using the washer when the reservoir is
empty; otherwise, you could damage the
Windshield washer nozzles
The windshield washer nozzles are heated auѪ
tomatically while the engine is running or the
ignition is switched on.
Press the button, arrow 3.
The LED in the steering wheel stalk lights up
and a wiping cycle is started. Washer fluid
At temperatures below 32 ℉/0 ℃, a wiping cyѪ
General information
cle is not started before driving away. Release
frozen wipers before driving away.
Antifreeze for washer fluid
Antifreeze is flammable and can cause
Rain sensor sensitivity injuries if used improperly.
Turn thumbwheel 5 up or down. Therefore, keep it away from sources of igniѪ
Deactivating the rain sensor
Only keep it in the closed original container
Press the button again, arrow 3. and inaccessible to children.
The LED goes out. Follow the notes and instructions on the conѪ
Deactivate the rain sensor in car washes
United States: The washer fluid mixture ratio is
Deactivate the rain sensor when passing
regulated by the U.S. EPA and many individual
through an automatic car wash; otherwise,
states; do not exceed the allowable washer
damage could be caused by undesired wiper
fluid dilution ratios limits that apply. Follow the
usage instructions on the washer fluid conѪ
tainer. Use BMW's Windshield Washer ConѪ
Cleaning the windshield and
centrate or the equivalent.◀
Pull the lever, arrow 4.
The system sprays washer fluid on the windѪ
shield and activates the wipers briefly.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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