owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
tem is unavailable. See “Forward emergency brak-TPMS and turn off the low tyre pressure warningposition.Thelightwillremainonafter1minute.Have
ing system (where fitted)” in the “5. Starting andlight. Use a tyre pressure gauge to check the tyrethe system checked by a NISSAN dealer or quali-
driving” section for more details.pressure. fied workshop. The low tyre pressure warning does
Lowtyre pressure warning lightThe low tyre pressure (e.g., [Low tyre pressure])not appear if the low tyre pressure warning light illu-
(where fitted) warning appears each time the ignition switch isminates to indicate a TPMS malfunction.
YourvehicleisequippedwithaTyrePressureMoni-placed in the ON position as long as the low tyreForadditionalinformation,see“TyrePressureMoni-
toring System (TPMS) that monitors the tyre pres-pressure warning light remains illuminated.toring System (TPMS)” in the “5. Starting and
sure of all tyres except the spare.For additional information, see “Vehicle informationdriving” section.
The low tyre pressure warning light warns of lowdisplay” later in this section and “Tyre PressureWARNING
tyre pressure or indicates that the TPMS is not func-Monitoring System (TPMS)” later in this section.
tioning properly. TPMSresetting must be also performed after a tyre• Radio waves could adversely affect electric
or a wheel is replaced, or the tyres are rotated.medical equipment. Those who use a pace-
After the ignition switch is placed in the ON posi-maker should contact the electric medical
tion, this light illuminates for about 1 second andDependingonachangeintheoutsidetemperature,equipment manufacturer for the possible in-
turns off. the low tyre pressure warning light may illuminatefluences before use.
Lowtyre pressure warning:even if the tyre pressure has been adjusted prop-• If the light does not illuminate with the igni-
erly. Adjust the tyre pressure to the recommendedtion switch pushed ON, have the vehicle
If the vehicle is being driven with low tyre pressure,COLDtyrepressureagainwhenthetyresarecold,checked by a NISSAN dealer or qualified
the warning light will illuminate. A low tyre pressureand reset the TPMS.workshop as soon as possible.
warning (e.g., [Low tyre pressure]) also appears inIf the low tyre pressure warning light still continues
the vehicle information display.to illuminate after the resetting operation, it may indi-• If the low tyre pressure warning light illumi-
Whenthelowtyrepressurewarninglightilluminates,catethattheTPMSisnotfunctioningproperly.Havenates while driving, avoid sudden steering
youshouldstopandadjustthetyrepressureofall4the system checked by a NISSAN dealer or quali-manoeuvresorabruptbraking,reducevehicle
tyres to the recommended COLD tyre pressurefied workshop.speed, pull off the road to a safe location and
shownonthetyreplacardlocatedonthedriverside stop the vehicle as soon as possible. Driving
centre pillar see “Tyre placard” in the “9. TechnicalForadditionalinformation,see“TyrePressureMoni-with under-inflated tyres may permanently
information” section. The low tyre pressure warningtoring System (TPMS)” in the “5. Starting anddamagethetyres and increase the likelihood
light does not automatically turn off when the tyredriving” section and “Vehicle information display”of tyre failure. Serious vehicle damage could
pressure is adjusted. After the tyre is inflated to thelater in this section.occur and may lead to an accident and could
recommendedpressure, the vehicle must be drivenTPMSmalfunction:result in serious personal injury. Check the
at speeds above 25 km/h (16 MPH) to activate theIf the TPMS is not functioning properly, the low tyretyre pressure for all four tyres. Adjust the tyre
pressure warning light will flash for approximately 1pressure to the recommended COLD tyre
minute when the ignition switch is placed in the ONpressure shown on the tyre placard, located
2-6Instruments and controls
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year of production from: 2013
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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