owners manual Nissan Qashqai
owners manual Nissan Qashqai - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Qashqai, year of production 2013:
WARNINGLIGHTS (ESP) warning light and the brake system warningCharge warning light
Also see “Vehicle information display” later in thislight (yellow) also illuminate. If the light illuminates
section. while the ignition switch is in the ON position withWhen the ignition switch is in the ON position, the
the parking brake not applied, stop the vehicle andcharge warning light illuminates. After starting the
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)perform the following steps:engine, the charge warning light turns off. This indi-
warning light 1. Check the brake fluid level. If brake fluid level iscates that the charging system is operational.
When the ignition switch is in the ON position, thelow, add fluid and have the system checked by aIf the charge warning light illuminates while the en-
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warning light illumi-NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop. Seegine is running, or while driving, it may indicate that
nates and then turns off. This indicates the ABS is“Brake and clutch fluid” in the “8. Maintenancethe charging system is not functioning properly and
operational. and do-it-yourself” section.mayneedservicing.
If the ABS warning light illuminates while the engine2. If the brake fluid level is correct, have the warn-Whenthechargewarninglightilluminateswhiledriv-
is running, or while driving, it may indicate the ABSingsystemcheckedbyaNISSANdealerorquali-ing, stop the vehicle safely as soon as possible.
isnot functioning properly. Have the systemfied workshop.Stop the engine and check the alternator belt. If the
checkedbyaNISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshop. alternatorbeltisloose,brokenormissing,thecharg-
If an ABS malfunction occurs, the anti-lock functionWARNINGing system needs repair (see “Drive belts” in the
is turned off. The brake system then operates nor-• Yourbrakesystemmaynotbeworkingprop-“8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section).
mally, but without anti-lock assistance (see “Brakeerly if the warning light is on. Driving could beIf the alternator belt appears to be functioning cor-
system” in the “5. Starting and driving” section).dangerous. If you judge the brake system torectly but the charge warning light remains illumi-
BRAKEwarninglight (red) be safe, drive carefully to the nearest servicenated, have the charging system checked by a
station for repairs. Otherwise, have your ve-NISSANdealer or qualified workshop promptly.
hicle towed because driving it could be dan-CAUTION
Whenthe ignition switch is placed in the ON posi-gerous.
tion, the light remains illuminated for a few seconds.• Pressing the brake pedal when the ignitionDo not continue driving if the alternator belt is
If the light illuminates at any other time, it may indi-switch is not in the ON position and/or whenloose, broken or missing.
cate that the brake system is not functioning prop-the brake fluid level is low may increase theForward Emergency Braking
erly. If the BRAKE warning light illuminates, stop thestopping distance and braking will requiresystem warning light
vehicle immediately and contact a NISSAN dealergreater pedal effort as well as pedal travel.
or qualified workshop. (where fitted)
Lowbrakefluid warning light: • If the brake fluid level is below the minimumThis light illuminates when the Forward Emergency
When the ignition switch is in the ON position, theor MIN mark on the brake fluid reservoir, doBraking system is set to OFF on the lower display.
light warns of a low brake fluid level. If this warningnot drive until the brake system has been
checkedataNISSANdealerorqualifiedwork-If the light illuminates when the Forward Emergency
light illuminates, the Electronic Stability Programmeshop.Braking system is ON, it may indicate that the sys-
Instruments and controls2-5
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manual Nissan Qashqai II 2 owners manual
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