owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Biodiesel Biodiesel (for New Zealand)No special break-in period is needed.
Commercially supplied Diesel blendsCommercially supplied Diesel blendsBy following a few simple precautions
for the first 1,000 km (600 miles) you
of no more than 7% biodiesel, com-of no more than 7% biodiesel, com-
may add to the performance, econo-
monly known as "B7 Diesel" may bemonly known as "B7 Diesel" may be
my and life of your vehicle.
used in your vehicle if Biodiesel meetsused in your vehicle if Biodiesel
EN 14214 or equivalent specifications.meets EN 14214 or equivalent spec- Do not race the engine.
(EN stands for "European Norm").Theifications. (EN stands for "European Whilst driving, keep your engine
use of biofuels exceeding 7% madeNorm").The use of biofuels exceed-speed (rpm, or revolutions per
from rapeseed methyl ester (RME),ing 7%, made from rapeseed methyl minute) between 2,000 rpm and
fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), veg-ester (RME), vegetable oil meth4,000 rpm.yl
etable oil methyl ester (VME) etc.ester (VME) etc.oror mixing dieselDo not maintain a single speed for
mixing diesel exceeding 7% withexceeding 7% with biodiesel willlong periods of time, either fast or
biodiesel will cause increased wear orcause increased wear or damage toslow. Varying engine speed is
damage to the engine and fuel sys-the engine and fuel system.needed to properRepairly break-in the
tem.Repair or replacement of worn oror replacement of worn or damagedengine.
damaged components due to the usecomponents due to the use of non Avoid hard stops, except in emer-
of non approved fuels will not be cov-approved fuels will not be covered bygencies, to allow the brakes to seat
ered by the manufactures warranty.the manufactures warranty.properly.
Don't let the engine idle longer
CAUTION CAUTION than 3 minutes at one time.
Don't tow a trailer during the first
Never use any fuel, whether
Never use any fuel, whether 2,000 km (1,200 miles) of operation.
diesel or B7 biodiesel or oth-
diesel, B7 biodiesel or other-
wise, that fails to meet the lat-erwise, that fails to meet the
est petroleum industry speci- latest petroleum industry
fication. specification.
Never use any fuel additives
Never use any fuel additives
or treatments that are not rec- or treatments that are not rec-
ommended or approved by theommended or approved by the
vehicle manufacturer. vehicle manufacturer.

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 633 - 639
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
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