owners manual KIA Carens
owners manual KIA Carens - year of production: 2013 - KIA Carens III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle KIA Carens, year of production 2013:
Fuel Additives Diesel engine CAUTION
Kia recommends that you use good
Diesel fuel Do not let any petrol or water
quality petrols meet Europe Fuel
standards (EN228) or equivalents.Diesel engine must be operated onlyenter the tank.This would make
on commercially available diesel fuelit necessary to drain it out and
For customers who do not use good
that complies with EN 590 or compa-to bleed the lines to avoid jam-
quality petrols including fuel addi-
rable standard. (EN stands for
tives regularly, and have problems ming the injection pump and
"European Norm"). Do not use
starting or the engine does not run damaging the engine.
marine diesel fuel, heating oils, or
smoothly, one bottle of additives
non-approved fuel additives, as this
added to the fuel tank at every
will increase wear and cause dam-
15,000km (For Europe, Australia and CAUTION- Diesel Fuel
age to the engine and fuel system.
New Zealand)/5,000km (Except
The use of non-approved fuels and /(if equipped with DPF)
Europe, Australia and New Zealand).or fuel additives will result in a limita-It is recommended to use the
tion of your warranty rights.
Additives are available from your regulated automotive diesel fuel
authorised Kia dealer along with
for diesel vehicle equipped with
Diesel fuel of above cetane 51 is
information on how to use them. Do the DPF system.
used in your vehicle. If two types of
not mix other additives.diesel fuel are available, use summerIf you use diesel fuel including
or winter fuel properly according to
high sulfur (more than 50 ppm
Operation in foreign countriesthe following temperature conditions.sulfur) and unspecified addi-
If you are going to drive your vehicle Above -5°C (23°F) .Summer typetives, it can cause the DPF sys-
in another country, be sure to:diesel fuel. tem to be damaged and white
smoke can be emitted.
Below -5°C (23°F) . Winter type
Observe all regulations regarding
registration and insurance.diesel fuel.
Determine that acceptable fuel is
Watch the fuel level in the tank very
available. carefully : If the engine stops through
fuel failure, the circuits must be com-
pletely purged to permit restarting.

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year of production from: 2013

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KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
pages 632 - 638
KIA Carens III 3 owners manual
page 635 / 1480
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